Jext ★, TimmynoToes, tetrislicious, Godslayer10X, BaskOfSoftKitty, sonadrien130002, Lady_Vengeance, LadyYuriko, Walruz, Tebu420, ManueXel, Mabbs, Trash_Monkey, insurgingarc, darkeryetdarker, Nixcelpix, AutisticVenusaur, FatKash, WakoDoodle, dakkafex, Clandestine, Zaethir, Fvbe, kyledove ★, Aulzen, Jorjada, Mephi, pkmntrainerwillum, Moot23, DragonNegro777, IceThunder, Harlequin4sloth, Spocklate, Silkeregn, Harrynopenope, JaneJewel, Colosoal, rotatorio, Sword-of-Swords, poopnuget
Silkeregnif you'd like I can mention your issue in the discord
SilkeregnJext is the main guy, but likely buisy
Jestericso which admin do I pm in this chat
PhoenixFoxi cant find crimby or piratross
Silkeregnyou have no shinies
Jestericoh no imma lose *all* my shinies
Silkeregnnow we know there's a symbol in your password
Silkeregndont tell us that
Jestericno it's cus I'm stupid and decided to add a symbol somewhere in my password
Silkeregnso people dont run in to an issue like this
JestericKalos is lowest pokemon count with highest point gain
LucasoliverOk guys i just looked the Harsolme dex on data and I NEED TO CATCH AND USE THEM ALL, i'm in love
SilkeregnI think that should be removed
lauti23at what level does rockruff evolve?
PhoenixFoxhow even
demonycthats insane
demonyccan you actually get beta by playing wordle? :sob:
WakoDoodleeven if you trust them, trust nobody but the mods/admins
Silkeregndont send any passwords to strangers
BaskOfSoftKittyI grinded the points for the beta before joining the Discord
Silkeregnand be sure its really the staff you are talking to
Silkeregnthe staff*
Silkeregnwell if you dont remember your password you should contact your staff
Jestericso uh what I do
Jestericyh I did
WakoDoodlejest getting in with the cool kids I see
Jestericit was in shop for 1k points
Silkeregncause you dont need beta access to just play
Jestericnah I just don't got discord
Silkeregndid you think you needed to do that to get in?
NixcelpixYeah D:
Silkeregnthats crazy.
Jestericafter 66 weerdle games
demonycon the discord server
Jestericbought beta
Silkeregnwithout discord
demonyci think you can do /password
Silkeregnhow do you even have an account
Silkeregnask staff about the correct--
Jestericdon't got discord
Silkeregnyou can change your password in the discord
NixcelpixHeya SoftKitty
Jestericwhat do I do I do
Jestericuhh I forgot my password
BaskOfSoftKittyHiya Nix
Paperboy012305Thankfully, most of them aren't that important for battle/I already have them in Rica.
Paperboy012305Oh my, I'm still missing some TMs in Harsholme.
WakoDoodlenope, sounds cool though :D
Silkeregnits super cool
Silkeregnhave you seen its full art card in Tcg
LucasoliverOr zen punch
WakoDoodleI was holding off shunting a machop because I wanted to be able to teach its a punch element move but if this is true, I can shunt it right after the ghosts here
LucasoliverLike dazzling punch
LucasoliverThere are a lot of punch based moves, hope they come up w new ones
Silkeregnthen there's an NPC that sells all the bite TMs in an ocean cave
Silkeregnat the TM convention
SilkeregnI know it has a lot of punch Tms
LucasoliverSince i got here ppl treated me in a very polite and friendly way, and i congratulate yall for this behavior, usually i keep w a foot behind online
WakoDoodleno idea, but worth a check. Thanks silk ^^
Silkeregncant ya get it in harshlome
WakoDoodlehuh fire punch was a tm in gen 2, interesting
SilkeregnStaff can only do so much
Silkeregnmonitored to an extent
WakoDoodletbh that's good. We should keep it that way :D
Paperboy012305Well, perhaps a few, but at least THAT is monitored here.
Paperboy012305I swear I haven't seen anyone here be toxic yet.
Silkeregnnah PE has it's toxic members as well
WakoDoodleyeah, these days if a group gets too toxic I just pack up and move on. This place is like a peaceful haven
Lucasoliver@Silkeregn thank u buddy for the responses😄
LucasoliverAnd it was like years ago when i was a pre teen, almost one decade ago, and ppl are getting even worst nowadays, that's why i changed a lot my behavior in online communities, this one is the first i. Years
WakoDoodlenever again...
LucasoliverThat's a thing 8 know, i've been in fanbases where or u live in your own end having fun by yaself and w "forgotten ppl" or u live having trouble, being rejected or hypocrite, mad and egoistic alongside popular ppl on community, and it was f4om huge fandoms
WakoDoodleif only there was a way to manage them but, im asking for the impossible
BaskOfSoftKittyWhen groups get too big, it gets easier for bad actors to slip in
rotatoriodonde estan los 4 tios?
SilkeregnI still like the design on its own
Silkeregnbut its.. very different from its first form
Silkeregnit does Lucas
Silkeregnits just the internet giving them a voicew
LucasoliverI love.fairy mon, and even before knowing it was fairy i was already in love w it
Paperboy012305Toxicity is probably human nature.
Silkeregnthey always have been imp
WakoDoodleweird how so many big fanbases are getting toxic these days :/
LucasoliverDoes.predictabuns evolve?
WakoDoodleah thats why
Silkeregnand the fans are toxic as hell
Silkeregncause nintendo thinks they own creature collection