Jext ★, Duudle, LouisP, Toadstool, shark47, Cranage, tetrislicious, Meowser, insurgingarc, KittenPatissier, IceThunder, blackem, DrakenSilver, Lady_Vengeance, Aulzen, BaskOfSoftKitty, Aurel_Infinity, QuietKid, DomTSVG, CroadNation, yasirburton2004, Laxing, EirikM, Bern, darksyn, Cringecore, Halqe, theAl-Khemist, Rollkeks, Ascelin, Jadzki
darkeryetdarkerrica the region where you can legally beat the crap out of a kid
Icymossthe mobipups are also getting evos with the update
DroncarIf you want to check the shiny, go on the webste pokedex and click imagery
Icymossthe hub is getting an update I think it will be from that
Jestericain't no way I can fight a baby in rica
Icymossnot in yet
Droncaryou dont
ThePikusis the dark one shiny?
Silver_Foxhow do you get the no color one?
Icymossand bold but thats not in yet lol
darkeryetdarkerand then we have the bold one
ThePikusgot it
ThePikusooo colors
ThePikuspretty tight
ThePikusthrew me off cause i wasnt expecting the new mons but yea
ThePikusno i know i picked green and got mobipup
Silver_Foxyou get to pick one of 3 colors if that is what you are asking
ThePikusyea i didnt think so
Droncarno you choose
Jestericbring out the x and y EV training
ThePikusis mobipup a random pick in the beginning??
Silver_Foxty! Not to bad odds
darkeryetdarkeryea tbh we need that as a widget
Droncarrefresh zippers
Icymossalso 1/10000 for gold shiny
BaskOfSoftKittyWill there ever be a Johto Berry Pot widget?
IcymossAh gl the shiny rates are 1/1000 and it is NOT locked so you can get the mobipup
DroncarBut for encounters you will be able to check in pokedex
Zippers203I accidentally shuffled around my mons in my party while a pokemon was being sent out and it messed up lol
Droncarfor starters it doesnt count
Silver_FoxI just started today I have done about 27 resets for the mobipup starter
Zippers203I think I just broke the battle system lol
DroncarCuz there is one for both
DroncarSilver : for how many shinies you got or how many encounters?
ThePikuswow this is pretty amazing
PhoenixFoxyou keep everything youve got there and theres even a global pc so you can bring mons out too
Icymosseverything is saved every couple of seconds and wont be deleted unless you reset it in the shop
Silver_Foxaww was kinda hopping for a built in shiny hunting counter lol
DroncarEven if you leave early
DroncarIt always keep your progression
Icymossthats it, tho trading opens a widges as well
ThePikusso if a region isnt completed, when do you get to the end of the content does our "file" stay if we leave?
Bernsummer's like tutorial region, free surf mon, free money mon
Icymossalso Fuzzy added early global cos people would want to use there mons out of the region
Silver_FoxGuys I am new here, is there more widgets that I can get or are the ones I start with it?
Jestericrica is double battles galore
Icymossrica isnt complete but its VERY fun so far
PhoenixFoxRicas awesome imo. not completed yet but what is here is awesome
Bernif someone's new i'd always recommend doing summer island first
Droncarpretty good region!
Icymossgood coloures for shiny 134658_375e95008fc60ac0.webp
Silver_Foxaww I thought they were in a region lol was gonna go crazy there for a sec XD
ThePikusis rica chill?
ThePikusyea i left for rica tho
darkeryetdarkerthere here for general info
darkeryetdarkerwell yes and no
Silver_Foxwow Pokemon Flux guys are here to!?
Icymossgood not cute lol
Icymossrad Harsholme is completed and very cute
darkeryetdarkeri think we can agree that we are all hunting this guy if he ever comes :mon_004ri9pn:
PhoenixFoxowl bear :mon_00z634qw:
ThePikuslooks like a griffin
ThePikussorry obviously new, just jumped on and went harsholme
Icymoss:mon_00z634qw: this gold MMMMMM
Jestericis that a pug
Icymosssame lol
PhoenixFoxif this guy ever becomes available im hunting it asap :mon_0012p41y:
ThePikusgym 2? whats that mean
Icymossrica its gym 2 I think
Jestericpublic region
ThePikustrying to find the one i like im in RIca dont hate it but want to explore the other regions too
DroncarYeah also the airplanes between region cost a rayquaza ton of pokédollars
ThePikusso not mid way through
Icymossin most region its completing the region
Icymossyes global is all regions but you need to unlock it
Droncar"garden of creation"
darkeryetdarkerwait mega stone
DroncarAlso the region "jext's experiment"
EvaTheEpici would eat that guy
ThePikusis there a way to save mons you catch on your adventure to your hub computer?
IcymossYOU MAD MAN Could he betexting stones... 134658_c53ba65b44cb85a8.webp