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dawnishdaysI know there's aerilate, and pixilate .. idk if there's others.
NyraKyteyeah there is the option "Mons that can learn this move" it treats tms and lvl up
samwichconlimonyou can check which pokemon get a move?
ColosoalNgl why does madrusa have the same amount of cool as it does cute
dawnishdaysDoesn't help with abilities sadly.
BunnyKairopretty sure yeah
★Coonaeactually maybe you can see mons who can learn false swipe from its page?
TheNewKingBretgoodluck and enjoy your day everyone
dawnishdaysNeed some mon who converts normal types to another move for false swipe as backup.
Icymosscya king
★Coonaei wolnder if you can search per move in learnset
NyraKytesorry im like deadge
TheNewKingBretim getting off too.
NyraKytethats weird. when it SHOULD be on it
dawnishdays.. will hold back my comments.
NyraKytesorry meant Kito ISNT on it
BunnyKairoand full of love
BunnyKairotoo soft
★Coonaei don't see it in the list
BunnyKairosylveon cant
dawnishdaysI hate the mon, but I might be able to make it work for me.
★Coonaei'm chipping away at stuff as much as i can, but i work full time
dawnishdays... can sylveon learn false swipe?
NyraKyteweird Kito is on it
★Coonaescravo i sure hope so :P
TheNewKingBretThank you :0
dawnishdaysMy false swiper is a psychic/fighting type.
★Coonaethese are my own mons from my favs
Icymossgrass BBY
★Coonaemy fav types are electric and fairy so that also plays into my favs
filetman125cause my only false swipe mon is dark type
filetman125im scared i find a shiny mew and i fumble it
dawnishdaysI don't need to revisit my anger.
dawnishdaysLeave it.
★Coonaei like spacey mons so i have a lot of those and have a soft spot for em
dawnishdaysHence ignorance.
BunnyKairoignorance,, th cat literally could not have known
dawnishdaysBut I'm.. calm again, just apathetic and avoiding deliberate hunts until I get my head screwed back on right.
filetman125why is mew not in the kanto dex?
Scravobut it's coming for sure?
dawnishdaysSomething ugly came out of me thanks to an animal's ignorance and behavior.
TheNewKingBretwhat your fav mon you made coonae?
★Coonaewell there's almost no code in the region yet so... we'll see
dawnishdaysIt is what it is.
filetman125damn, feel for you man
dawnishdaysyes.. it was drenchest. . .
DaltonisNow I'm at 30 after today and cruzin
Scravowhen it comes out?
filetman125dawn was it the treasure?
★Azria ★when will korza launch
Icymossnight coonae
TheNewKingBretgoodnight coonae. glad to see you on :)
★Coonaeanyone have korza questions before i log off
DaltonisOnly got 8 and gave up
dawnishdaysIt still stings.
dawnishdaysAnd lost it.
dawnishdays.. I came across my first golden.
DaltonisI was losing my burmy when I first tried trash hunting soon after getting to HS
★Coonaeok im gettin eepy
BunnyKairotook like 10 minutes for budew? vs like a good 30 for egcite
TheNewKingBretstill no golden shiny lmao
Scravoyeah... that takes a long while
BunnyKairosome for sure
samwichconlimonso 3 goldens. you got this
Scravoi think some easter island mons get friendship faster
BunnyKairofor frienship? nah i just run around with the dude out
Daltonis1/100 x 150
dawnishdaysSo.. yeah compared to 1/1000, muchless broken 1/1000..
TheNewKingBretgot 5 shines today so im chill
dawnishdaysTrash is 1/100..
Scravobtw, that's around lvl 54 if you only level it up, wich is the fastest way
samwichconlimonit really isn't
DaltonisAfter Gullutton this is a blessing man
filetman125hunting mew now
DaltonisMan this trash hunting shtick isn't half as bad
NyraKyteits 220 to happy evo something unless it states otherwise. some say other happyness stuff
BunnyKairomy impatient ass
BunnyKairohover over it
BunnyKairooh you can
Icymoss220 happy
BunnyKairobtw the happiness bar has to be full for the evo yeah?
dawnishdays... Yeah that checks out.
dawnishdaysIgnorance is ignoring you:
BunnyKairogirl and not girl
BunnyKairoye i got one of each
ColosoalThe gender depends on what it will evolve into
ColosoalIt evolves it level 16
SnowSZNthats not bad at all actually