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SnowSZNwhich region does emerald take place in again is it hoenn or something right idk my memory fumbling rn
Zaxaronebattles will be more modern tho
Zaxaronegs  johto  will  have , albeit remixed overwolrd s  but still the gc gen 2 look
BatBandiditoNice, I tried doing cloudia first but rica was easier for me
Gliscor13978Im playing cloudia to get gliscor
BatBandiditolol i get it, im playing rica to get noibat
SnowSZNits just not for me but aye most my fav pokemon r here so
SnowSZNlike if theres a way i could put it the sprites look colorful and fancy sorta with the most dull color backgrounds youll ever see
BatBandiditoahh yea i wouldnt like that
SnowSZNto me nah they dont look as rugged as the old old kanto sprites some of em atleast
SnowSZNthe lack of color with colored in sprites is throwing me off lol
BatBandiditodoes it not look like the original
SnowSZNalso ngl im not too far in kanto rn but like its not too bad i just dont like how everything looks
wheresandshrewThat sounds trouble.
SnowSZNfor some reason my keybinds been breaking on me i gotta change the key so often cuz it wont register
SnowSZNim fine lol i got my action key set as , i didnt notice i hit enter
BatBandiditoi havent played that region et, how is it
wheresandshrewAm are okay SnowSZN! Me am thought you funny.
SnowSZNretro kanto givin me ptsd bro
SnowSZNlol whats up man
SnowSZNwait i just noticed the chat thing my fault yall
Zaxaronea girl in  violet  will tell you where  she  found chiko and bulba
Zaxaronetheres npcs that  will hint at  the  location too
wheresandshrewBye Vespersnow! Have happy rest!
Zaxaronekanto starters and johto starters are in the wild ata  low rate
Vespersnowalright im going to bed. catch yall later
Zaxaronethere ya  go
ZaxaroneGliscoor did i  stutter?
Zaxaroneum  adding some hgss  locations and anime locations to compensate
Gliscor13978Can you get all the starters
Vespersnowok cool. are you going to implement the red fight?
Zaxaroneevery  mon  will be found in  johto
Zaxaroneno kanto
Vespersnoware you planning on just doing the johto region or are you going to do the kanto side as wheel
Zaxaroneahh im  re  thinking  a public  demo.  at the  pace  im  goin, i may as well just finish
Zaxaronei can control who edits and plays while  its privated
Zaxaronetesting johto to make sure everything is stable
Gliscor13978I thought you meant you were gonna make it public
Zaxaroneusing apricorns for johto balls, or apricorns and pokemon drops for hoenn ones
Gliscor13978Yeah i meant a round of testing
Zaxaronekurt will allow u to make the  pokeballs
Gliscor13978What do you mean?
Zaxarone1 word guys: crafting
Zaxaronei would probably like a new round of testing once im done  with azalea
wheresandshrewOh! Okay. Thank saying clear!
Vespersnowalso i love the shuckl;e evo
Vespersnowazumarill rains supreme
Zaxaronethats a no
wheresandshrewAm like example Marill only Water long before. Maybe am find only water Marill sometime? Not only all normal Marill Water Fairy as now.
Gliscor13978I like it :)
Vespersnowgive me 1 sec my internet is slow lol
Zaxaronetheres the idea
wheresandshrewZaxarone am add old typing Pokémon too? Yes no?
Zaxaronei got a sketch
Vespersnowthat would actually make my day lmao
Zaxaroneim thinking of a shuckle evo called huskle
Vespersnowthat would be really cool
Zaxaronei might add some new evos too
Zaxaroneive only got up to before union cave and theres a lot of testing to be done
Vespersnowoh man i cant wait for heracross'
Zaxaronesoon tm
Zaxaronenot yet
Araimajust like that?
Vespersnowis johto playable?
Zaxaroneits bayleef time
Rhazzyooh thank you i appreciate the offer :)
Vespersnowif you need help with somthing let me know ill return the favour
Rhazzyno problem! ^^
Vespersnowthank you so much
Vespersnowim almost complete with the pokedex now
Rhazzynp :D
Vespersnowoh thank you so much
Rhazzyi dont need anything, i just wanted to help :D
Vespersnowid take it if you dontt need it. what would you want for it?
Rhazzydo you still need one Vesper? i got one just now if you want it :)
Vespersnowlike i ran into 133 obliterat and 13 exverminate and i have not even had a wiff of 1
Vespersnowif he finds it i dub him the king of shinies
wheresandshrewsamwichconlimon are was hunt shiny Leilyne! Am think maybe he find one day.