Jext ★, LouisP, Greywhoose, Lady_Vengeance, LucifersEyes, IceThunder, shark47, yasirburton2004, DrakenSilver, Paperboy012305, BaskOfSoftKitty, Capsule, Hurrowt, tetrislicious, Icymoss, roninja729, Shakalen1234, Dexforitas, thatguyyanni, Toadstool, Aulzen, Dino534, Mark_Marky_, Tebu420, ReuKnight22, Poemkyl, TheReal_Legend27, Bern
IceThunderWhen does one get global PC on Sinnoh?
Paperboy012305Just don't get the free ones. you don't know if they're a virus in themself.
★Coonaetake it to your school IT people and see if they can check it for you
Icymossclicking shady links is how likw 90% of my old laptops as a teen got viruses lol
ZachTart26on a school chromebook
darkeryetdarkergrab a anti virus then
★Coonaeresearch and see what you can do
ZachTart26I cant do scans though, am on chrome os
darkeryetdarkera scan of EVERYTHING on your pc
★Coonaethe whole point of spy and malware is that they don't want you to know you got it
RezzyTheGamera DEEP scan
★Coonaeyou need to run a scan
★Coonaeit won't be obvious or immediate if you got hacked or a virus from clicking a link
Paperboy012305Idk anything about this stuff you're talking about. Like how do I know I even have it?
ZachTart26will do
Icymossand i would wipe intenet cookies and clear all history and cachas tbf
vafferBetter safe than sorry
darkeryetdarkerbc saying your gonna be fine is just not a good thing to do
darkeryetdarkeryea connae is right
Paperboy012305I love how I have my retro kanto save on blue version. It means I can catch as many Vulpix as I want without having to wait so many hours for just ONE to appear in the Kohaku garden.
ZachTart26anyways, I gotta get all the mons from borovia to get gobblin?
★Coonaeplease run a scan on your comoputer if you clicked the link
Icymosswindows 11 also needs to go out of safe mode tbf, but its still sus
rebarthe only thing that site could possibly download is a chrome extention
rebarchromebooks can't really install applications meant for windows software
ZachTart26wait, I didn't know there was a tm seller in borovia ;-;
darkeryetdarkeranyways lets switch topics
rebarif you clicked on it and you're on chromeOS you'll be fine
vafferWhat did he say?
Icymosswhat PB said
ZachTart26am surprised my school didn't block that link though
darkeryetdarkerok so that was a 10 minute ban
Paperboy012305K, they gone. Don't mention it again.
darkeryetdarkerlets gooooooooooooooooooo
darkeryetdarkerand he is banned
ZachTart26I'm sure I'll be fine
ZachTart26oh uh.. I clicked it but then closed it :P (clicked cause they said "hope you enjoy :)")
darkeryetdarkerthat they are not getting ppl scammed or something
Paperboy012305Reminds me of those "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE WON" scams in the 2000's.
darkeryetdarkerthey are getting salty ig
rebaraw hell naw
Icymossnow they sending links in discord
Paperboy012305And I'm not dumb to click on the link.
rebaragain I clicked it I am pretty sure it isn't malware however it does ask for your info
Paperboy012305And the images just show net balls.
Icymossdudes dming people with a fake pokemmo link
darkeryetdarkerdon't CLICK IT
- Apkol was kicked
Paperboy012305I looked up the website on google, and the website exists but nothing else about it.
darkeryetdarkerzach if you see someone in dms sending you a link
Jestericmy filter is
ZachTart26what link?
Icymossso its a IP grabber?
rebarI closed the tab already
★Coonaewell how do you even know that yet
Jestericschool filter's reason "Geo Ip Location FR"
★Coonaeif you already clicked the link please message me privately with a screenshot
rebarnor am I hacked
rebarI am not dead
Paperboy012305So I may be half right.
darkeryetdarkerrebar just so you know you maybe are just dead
Icymossyea DO NOT CLICK
★Coonaeplease don't click the link
Icymossrebar be careful
RezzyTheGamerphoenix can you stream in discord what you're seeing?
Paperboy012305I honestly thought it was just a site for malware to effortlessly come through your PC/Laptop.
darkeryetdarkerwith 100% has a virus or something
rebarI clicked it its just trying to get your email
PhoenixFoxi was trying to leave the mansion, i already beat hoenn
Icymosshes just trying to make peeps click a link
RezzyTheGamerschool is the protagonist
Paperboy012305So it seems the site is a real thing?
darkeryetdarkerthere are really want you to click that link huh
RezzyTheGamerwhat he says
Jestericwelp school blocked it so it don't matter
RezzyTheGamergo in
Icymossdo not click
Icymossthey dming me on the site as well lol
Jestericis it real
Gaboi__**phoenix whats is your team**__
Jesterici go afk to a shady pm
RezzyTheGamerimma come
PhoenixFoxcan i get some assistance pls? im stuck in the gym leader cup mansion thing. every time i go near the door it auto turns me around and walks back in
Gaboi**wow :O**
vafferCan you hit me with one of those too?
darkeryetdarkernow you go to sleep :3
RezzyTheGamerI want to sleep
darkeryetdarkersup zach