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Jext ★, Distorsiona, Indigo3359, SleebyEepy, Theo_The_Mighty, Hykros, trapi, IkeTheKnight, TakesDab, Rohanno, WakoDoodle, DatTepig, crimsonsavage98, Tisuri, Diegnator, Nopesicle, BiggerRips, imjangkar, LordRedshocker, cdeveny12, Kaioh, bloxavise, Ayrael, Milliardo, Flora, atlasrune, CandyCorn, Vel, Fargoth, TKCam42, JACOB863, MCKoala, Ousmane_Araujo, antoniosafe, CrimsonKeyBlade, qwertyouser, makaw9898685679, GraalOtonami, Nixcelpix, CitrusAndSadness, LynxALot11, MarcosPR12, didii, ICHOOZUCA, Xiterok, StinkyAlexDonut, LordTeaTime, perteh, LittleMxDoom, MudkipTheBest18, darkeryetdarker, Gamers224, Fuzzy, Lenemy, Bloooop, Dino121, Vase, MajiNVegeta, Zefonius, franzanth, Falannir, PYG989, SponsoredPost, Deep_sea_lily
E_wikingthat one person blocking the entrance to a  building is a clown as well
FoolishFishywhere are all the clowns in sinnoh?
E_wikingfighting type
GaBRocK00hey somebody know wich is the second gym of hoen ?
E_wikingi love Rica
WakoDoodlewhich happened to be found on 1 route, in a small lake hidden to the left
WakoDoodleI needed 1 fish for the rica super rod
E_wikingwhat was it?
WakoDoodlewell that was easy
WakoDoodleI now have a goal :D
E_wikingsleep well!
MxDemeanoroh goodnight wiking
MxDemeanori think that's everyone
MxDemeanorgoodnight majin, goodnight xiterok, someone tell dark goodnight, badnight wako, goodnight jext,
XiterokProbably KingTapir can teleport you
MxDemeanorthe cool people get named
Pickles1990yeah I tried, I can just move for eternity apparently, I'll find a mod, ty guys
MxDemeanornini everyone
XiterokFor a mod
Ascelintry finding an area transition hitbox?
MxDemeanorman i'm sleepy
XiterokAsk on discord for a mob
Pickles1990No doors, nothing, just darkness and my character lol
Pickles1990I'm in Wildroot Tavern f1 in Harsholme
XiterokWere you there now?
XiterokIt says Harsholme
Ascelincheck the map are you in a new area?
Pickles1990rip, nope
Pickles1990gonna refresh and see if it might be a cache thing?
MxDemeanorTry reloading
Pickles1990I did, it's not doing anything, I'm stuck in a big black area with absolutely nothing in it lol
E_wikingtype /unstuck
XiterokSleep, drink water/camomille, stay away from technology
Pickles1990oof... what do I do if i am stuck
E_wikingClown Gang, I have returned!
darkeryetdarkeryou know im gonna go do something do my bed and lay in it bc im not trusting myself later if i already feel lil dizzy when standing
MajiNxxMaybe throwing UP will makes u better
MxDemeanorI would trade all the games in the world if it meant I didn't have to be sick ever agaib
Icymosssnap, im also ill lol
darkeryetdarkeri always have the worse sick expiarence
MxDemeanorPokengine is fun, but being sick sucks so bad
darkeryetdarkerbut hey at least if i get sick i can game here more :3
darkeryetdarkeri think its just the fall is coming
darkeryetdarkernah i had the sour throat since i woken up sooooooo
MxDemeanorOh dear. Did you eat something bad?
darkeryetdarkertbh its the worst time for me to get sick bc im gonna on a one day school trip tomoroww [which is gonna be very inportent in school]
MxDemeanorits just sentret I hate with a passion
MxDemeanorI like furret
MxDemeanorlook at the little guy
MxDemeanorThe furret is adorable
MxDemeanorand if you need to puke, hum until you get to the toilet or a bucket or outside because aparently you can't puke and hum at the same time
darkeryetdarkerworse part is i already taken meds for that and it got WORSE
MajiNxxWhats adorable to bé sick
MxDemeanorUm um sip some water
MxDemeanorthat thing is adorable
MxDemeanoroh my god
darkeryetdarkereh sour throat feeling dizzy etc
MxDemeanorwait seriously, what's wrong dark?
MajiNxxUre cooked
MajiNxxA sentret sniper
FoolishFishyWsg peps
darkeryetdarkeralso  i think im starting to realized im gonna be sick
MajiNxxThey give me sentriper
MxDemeanorIf I believe *real* hard i can explode them with my mind
MajiNxxGuess what
MxDemeanorI can send my houndoom to hunt down every last sentret
darkeryetdarkeryou don't have a revolver tho
MxDemeanorI can shoot them
MxDemeanorI can use a repel majin
MajiNxxI will
MajiNxxMX Can Do nothing where am i
MxDemeanorewwwww sentret
MxDemeanorHP I think
MajiNxxI am on a spot with many sentrets
XiterokWhich EV gives bounsweet?
MxDemeanorI'm just an eldritch abomination
darkeryetdarkerlets get glass again ig
MxDemeanorno that was the old mx
darkeryetdarkeroh i forgot your bullet proof.
MajiNxxI know where to bé safe
darkeryetdarkeryou didn't get shot you got blooded murdered