IceThunder, tetrislicious, Meowser, DrakenSilver, Silh, Maert21, Harlequin4sloth, Hoshikuzu, Bern, yasirburton2004, Lucasoliver, ZachTart26, Jesteric, Jext ★, kyledove ★, Getr, greenstar, Holki, Lady_Vengeance, QuietKid, lauraluvz, MaytheEpicGamer, ManueXel, Shakalen1234, shark47, Likoy, EvaTheEpic, Hurrowt, CaptainSucc, Pekkaton86, skur ★, lobort, theBeeirdo, wopo, Radioactive_Giraffe, ExoticPenguin, godzilla9999, Mephi, Anycade2, XxMonstaDogUxX, Falke-u76
pkmntrainerwillumappreciate the hint
WakoDoodleswears :p
darkeryetdarkerthats the hint
darkeryetdarkerwhat are unowns used for?
pkmntrainerwillumanyone able to give me a hint for the index cave puzzle? caught all the unown and ive tried a couple combinations with no luck
Paperboy012305Jackpot ability would go harder if it works.
Paperboy012305Because it is.
IcymossImma reset after i get this shiny so no need for cash
darkeryetdarkerthis is why drenchest is the GOAT
darkeryetdarkerfinally im at 30000 cash
Walruzthanks Jesteric and others
darkeryetdarkerimagine micheal jackson emote in poke engine
Walruzwell, i win lol
Icymossits like a tamagotchi
Icymossemote wheel would go so hard
WakoDoodleno idea, I saw someone stab them then walk to the wuglett area
KlefkaTo tell us its dead
darkeryetdarkerehhhhh why is the corpse emoting
Icymosslol skull emote
Icymosspuppy time
darkeryetdarkerim taking out the lord
PhoenixFoxoof. my dog just jumped on me at my computer
darkeryetdarkeryou know what to increase our luck with wiglett
Walruzd4mn, lvl 40
Jestericlol its high lvl gl
Paperboy012305I never had to fight him because I didn't know that was an option.
Walruzi will try
darkeryetdarkertotally will work
Walruzi will try
Walruzfight for him to get it free?
WakoDoodleit was like ordering a happy meal and getting 2 toys
Paperboy012305Getting money in Borovia isn't that hard.
Jestericfight him for it
WakoDoodleit was majestic
Jestericfight him
WakoDoodleI saw someone with one
Icymossyes lol
PhoenixFoxare we sure this shiny exists? lol
Walruzshould i buy pokemon that cost 20k pokedollars in region Borovia??
darkeryetdarkerharsholme still didn't make a recovery of my mass explosion
Paperboy012305A choice band refrigerate explosion with Adamant nature goes hard.
Icymosskyledove made the new pony sprites right?
WakoDoodledawk lol
darkeryetdarkerit exploded 7 times
WakoDoodleonly ones not tested are cheese, ice stone, dusk stone and dawk stone
darkeryetdarkerthe pre evo i used to beat lund with
darkeryetdarkerah yes
Paperboy012305:mon_00u87fgq: This thing.
WakoDoodleokay most stones do not work on sqweek
darkeryetdarkerabout use of a mon lets talk about kohaku wiglett
Paperboy012305You know what else has a type boosted ability with Explosion?
KlefkaIt has a new sprite
Icymossyea if it got explosion hehehe
PhoenixFoxi see the featured mon is galar ponyta. does that mean we can get it somewhere now?
darkeryetdarkerit hits then buries it self
darkeryetdarkerskweek is basically a mini nuke
Paperboy012305If it had extreme speed.
Paperboy012305I suppose so.
darkeryetdarkerit doesn't have a evo
Icymossdeteriotate is REALLY goods tho
darkeryetdarkerwako don
WakoDoodleforgot about testing the rat with cheese
WakoDoodleoh yeah
PhoenixFoxi wanted to try for a shiny but i guess ill wait till breeding
darkeryetdarkeri mostly thought it was gonna evo bc it feeled weak
Icymossnah nah nah nah nah
Paperboy012305I'm sorry, but it looks like a mon that would stay the way it is.
darkeryetdarkeri have like 4 boxes of rats
Paperboy012305The mouse that everyone thought would evolve but me.
Icymossi can give you one
darkeryetdarkerfall festival
Icymossthe past event
Paperboy012305So it's forced to have a choice scarf to even be viable.
darkeryetdarkersans undertale mouse hiding in the corner
PhoenixFoxwheres sqweek from?
Paperboy012305It may not be that bad, but with stats like those, its speed stat needs to be higher.
Icymossignore me raising 3 134658_79fc4dd937b3c586.webp
darkeryetdarkerbut the rest of its stats
darkeryetdarker93 speed isn't that bad
Paperboy012305It's too slow to make anything worth.
Icymossye its good buy need to by a dawn stone