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JT45yyour bag is already opened
catnap45oh thx
catnap45how do i acces my bag what key do i press to open it
IcymossYET, he is getting a evo soonish when the HUB gets a update
JT45he cant ig
catnap45does anyone here no if mobipup can evolve0_0
darkeryetdarkerso gary but funnier
WakoDoodleanyway brb real quick
WakoDoodlethink gary from gen 1
WakoDoodleI also want to add an npc who is already ahead of you, telling you how bad you are and how they are better
catnap45the real question is does mobipup evo
WakoDoodleI was thinking the same thing :D
darkeryetdarkerbc we have the skill
darkeryetdarkerwhen we beat this we can actually make a route 0 in our regions
WakoDoodleoh what is it?
WakoDoodlebrb restroom
darkeryetdarkeryou know there is good thing about this
WakoDoodleon one hand, something to watch, on the other.. poor Mx for what is to come
darkeryetdarkeri think so?
WakoDoodleMx is behind us?
WakoDoodleI bet if we beat it, trial 12 is added
Jesterici beat him with a lvl36
darkeryetdarkerwe left mx behind tho lmao
JT45imma try to beat the count just with my lvl 20 team
WakoDoodlewe did D:
darkeryetdarkerwe came so far wako
WakoDoodleif you lost to count once, you unlock the lost souls store which is great
Jestericif you can beat count reliably then do that
Jestericjt farm souls
WakoDoodle@JT lost souls
catnap45taylor has the same name as me
WakoDoodlethe **chasm** isn't what I'm worried about, its the *ZigZag* that is directly after it. XD
JT45guys how i grind lvls in boro
darkeryetdarkerwako if you fall there you have to do all of undertale to get out
WakoDoodlegonna sit at the **Chasm** for a rest
JT45how do i grind lvls in boro
darkeryetdarkerso just go to a another region first
WakoDoodlethen you'll go to the place and fight a lvl 50 entry
JT45ok so
darkeryetdarkeryou need a team tho
WakoDoodletalk to I think the top-left guy
WakoDoodlein hub, south, then go west, then south, then east, then south, then west onto the pier
catnap45wheres battle baison
darkeryetdarkerand ofc the eevee only has normal evos
WakoDoodleCV is untradeable though
WakoDoodleeevee is found in HUB as a battle basion reward
darkeryetdarkerkanto hub and cv heres the complete regions so far
catnap45well what region allows u to catch eve
WakoDoodlenot all regions are in game atm
catnap45im completly new to this0_0
catnap45  how do i get to orbis region
WakoDoodlenah man its the zigzag
darkeryetdarkerwako i seen worse
WakoDoodlenow you can experience real pain XD
Mowgli23this lavender dungeon starting to piss me off
WakoDoodlelooks like dark did it
WakoDoodlego dark go!
Icymossin the key items
Icymossyou get a bag in the tutorial
JT45(im still cooked)
JT45so its easier
catnap45how do i change my skin to a girl0_0
darkeryetdarkerstill insane
Jesteriche has 1 lvl 50 and lvl 40s
MajiiNThe psuedo from rica is the best falseswiper
JT45(im cooked)
darkeryetdarkercount has lvl 60s btw
JT45time to defeat the count
JT45i got the 30 souls
BaskOfSoftKittyBoth my Falseswipers are weak to everything in Cloudia