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SilkeregnAnyone willing to give me their m ball in kanto? lmao
Raynardburning more encounters looking for a shiny badgrow
SilkeregnZach thats like, not an option
Primaldamp doesnt work apparently
PoweredPhilDamp doesn’t work properly yet
SilkeregnI have too many options
ZachTart26silk u could always try to get a mon with damp
SilkeregnJext, I found another shiny with self destruct, I either m ball it, wave it, or swap to a sleep mon
Vessdoing alright. approaching 50 wins in battle factory
PoweredPhilGood with shiny luck
Raynardjust got up
Primalwell next time you find those risky shinies you'll be more prepared
αJext ★how's everybody doing?
Vesssup jext
ZachTart26hi jext
Primaloh no jext is here
Silkeregnhey jext..
Silkeregnok but what if I find two more risky shinies
αJext ★hi chat!
Primalah just use the masterball lol
SilkeregnI was saving it for a time like this
SilkeregnI have 2 master balls
Silkeregnso swapping is risky
Silkeregnbut it could self destruct turn one
Primalon first turn
Vesswhereas sleep is one
Primalyou could try throwing a greatball or ultraball
Vesssince paralysis would be like 2 coinflips in a row
ZachTart26but depends on sleep move accuracy
ZachTart26sleep means it is asleep, if you paralize it it can still do it
Vessif the sleep's 100% accurate I'd take it
Primalhard to say}
Silkeregnswap and sleep or wave it turn one
Silkeregnwhich is best?
SilkeregnI can thunder wave it
Silkeregnill have to swap to my sleep mon and try
Primaltell me you can stun it
Primalno silk not once again
PoweredPhilCongratulations and be careful
Silkeregnit can self destruct
SilkeregnShiny koffing
Silkeregnoh shiiit
ZachTart26hi guys! :D
MissNovachrono2 shinies missed alrady xd
BoonyI have a black screen everytime i try to challenge Brock. :(
Primalalright its time to grind, gl everyone
ThePowerguyThanks anways
ThePowerguynvm i found it!
Primalapfelkuchen ty
MonsieurElmato use a pokeball click and drag it onto the battle screen
Primalor whatever its spelt
Primalich bin applekuchen
ThePowerguyDoes anyone know how to throw a pokemon ball?
MonsieurElmafrench fries here
MissNovachronogerman potato
MonsieurElmathanks for the proper spelling
Droncarhe is
Primalyou're a potato?
MissNovachronoich bin auch kartoffel
Pekkaton86good day to you
MonsieurElmaish bin a kartofel
MissNovachronogutenn tag kamerade
PrimalI like that
Primalmany french people here
MonsieurElmaGerman neighbour !
BoonyPour moi aussi :B
MonsieurElmathanks prim
Primalwell good afternoon then :p
MissNovachronogarmany too
MonsieurElmait is 3PM for me in france
MonsieurElmahi there
PrimalGood morning
Pekkaton86with my gold Oricorio
Pekkaton86beat Avian Master Kikiro