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Jext ★, antoniosafe, Toadstool, KittenPatissier, Holki, Bonitobal, LucifersEyes, Lady_Vengeance, Aulzen, Capsule, Mark_Marky_, EraserRabbit, Flamantho, Fuzzy, Alro, ManueXel, AKILLER, kyledove ★, ngoomie, Flamingsundragon, skur ★, DatBeard, Onyx009, JT45, Harvek, PatchOfHope, demonyc, missingLynx, samwichconlimon, MagnumTheQuilSlayer, Spartan369, roninja729, Jellyrose, Icymoss, EvieDrah, Lavalord1128, DarkxVulpix, Little_Wheat, Laxing, tetrislicious, Perr, insurgingarc, CroadNation, ZachTart26, Zak_GJ
LynxALot11NO BE ME
samwichconlimon:gun: listen here you
Spocklateyall i feel it. shiny incoming
Icymossidk jest rated it pretty high
samwichconlimonthey updated the swift animation and I don't like it
LynxALot11She keeps using flash and I keep using swift lmao
LynxALot11Im doing that dw
BaskOfSoftKittynow go talk to the fairy tale girl by the circle
Spocklatenow to maze myself to campfire DX
Icymossnext is the pumpkins aftert a battle with the fairy girl
Icymossty ty
lauraluvzsee ya
lauraluvzwell imma go now, after all tomorrow is friday and for us in turkey we!ll be getting a 9 day long break ^^
Spocklatego icy!
LynxALot11I got it !!
LynxALot11Rip Fuzzy
samwichconlimonkeep trying then
Icymossits a close one
LynxALot11There are so many gravestones tho
Icymosstombstone in the grave
LynxALot11I have the earrings but idk where to find the other things yet
MaskedToasti'm disortogrfik
Icymossfor both math AND words
Icymossim dyslexic really bad lol
Jestericy'all lysdexic
ngoomiei think we both did
Spocklateno i mixed up the words
ngoomieeven through typing it out myself
ngoomiesomehow i misread "lickytwirl" as "lickypop"
lauraluvzi seeee :eyes:
Icymosssummer island is there oldest event so its perminent now
samwichconlimonsummer island is permanent
lauraluvzso permanent?? aight
Spocklateno like the ones you get for redeeming lickypops
Icymossit wont
LynxALot11Summer Island was an event made permanent
ngoomiethere's a lickytwirl outfit?
lauraluvzwhen will summer island no longer be inaccessible?
Spocklateff skins
LynxALot11Okay Ill look around
samwichconlimonlickytwirl outfit?
LynxALot11Idk what to do in FF now
IcymossOH get all 4 key items, 1 in the grave one given by the channaler lady, one in a pumpkin, one at the start
LynxALot11I''ve been putting off joining and getting the trash
Spocklateso we can get lickytwirl outfits later?
tetrisliciouswe of the trash cult need an update
samwichconlimonless race, more grind
LynxALot11I can't go to the right side yet tho??
Icymosstheres a harsholme fishing shiny and rare mon they raced to get it and made a cult
Spocklatedo i need to get outfits now?
LynxALot11But next year
Spocklatedo the events repeat btw
samwichconlimonthe cult I started
LynxALot11The Harsholme Trash Cult
Icymosstheres a right side of the event
Jestericwhat trash cult?
Spocklatesteam deck screen is just a little small
Icymossty ^^
samwichconlimontrash cult
LynxALot11What do I do after I beat the ghost?
Mowgli23oooh icys looks nice
Jesterictrash cult?
Icymossthats all that matters lol
MaskedToastmine looks awful but i like it
Icymosschat is this fr?
lauraluvzgonna rearrange my widgets now so they look nicer
lauraluvzk chat,
LynxALot11I don't have the link anymore tho
LynxALot11Oh idk I just saw the poster
MaskedToasteh i aint going there
MaskedToastwhere the rats at
Icymossfr amen
Jestericrat cult
Paperboy012305OOH I SEE THEM.
Paperboy012305But I heard that Icestria wasn't coming out next year.
Icymossmice do not wait
LynxALot11Icestria is coming out in January
Icymossmice in tt
samwichconlimonwarren is just surf spam. dry skin slaughters his team
Neogothicthe second badge must be not that hard ^^
LynxALot11I forgor the name
lauraluvzhopefully i won!t do bad
LynxALot11The Winter one in January
lauraluvzokay,,, time to battle against warren