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Jext ★, IceThunder, Laxing, tetrislicious, Meowser, Lady_Vengeance, LiLRascal, Toadstool, TyTYTy, Greywhoose, Mowgli23, Nickz, Icymoss, Cranage, Relienau, KittenPatissier, Silver_Fox, kyledove ★, Paperboy012305, XxMonstaDogUxX, Clouuudy, J10exe, Roborii99, ThomasLeiter, DrakenSilver, beralo, Dexforitas, Tebu420, Jadzki, PlagueAgent, BaskOfSoftKitty, pokemaster69696, Duudle, Bonitobal, LouisP, Redfox1818, Caydenclarity, FlackoSenju, yasirburton2004, Usamari0238, QuietKid, shark47, IzoiMas
ngoomiethen i can sell the rest
ngoomietrying to make sure i get some with good IVs lol
ngoomienot including my one and only trickypop
ngoomiei should count how many lickypops ive caught
ngoomiebut fun
ngoomiefunctionally gambling
EvaTheEpicits cool il figure it out
EvaTheEpici dont think i can get any of those if i cant get sleep powder rn
Culex64or just get a lucky pokeball in
Berndiglet is easier
Bernget arena trap/shadow tag or taunt
EvaTheEpichow will i do this
EvaTheEpicbiggest challenge yet trying to catch abra without sleep moves
bopsi didnt have no frens
ngoomiei missed out on 2 of them myself :pensive:
DroncarThe pumpkin is the one you get from being in the winning team
ngoomieif you went into the event more than once you could pick a new costume each time
bopsnuh uh
DroncarNo bops haha you could get all of the 4 original costumes
ngoomie"canary with denim" tier confusion
ngoomiei wasn't complainin about seemingly getting a costume from nowhere but boy was i confused
bopsi got the robo guy
ngoomieok so that's where it came from
DroncarGL GL
ngoomiei honestly just had the pumpkin costume appear in-- oh
DroncarI was in Demon's team during grimvale event
MonsieurElmail me reste que Severm
MonsieurElmaenfin eu
bopshow did you get the pumpkin
bopshee hoo
Droncarhey ça va? j'ai vu pour ton stumple
MonsieurElmacoucou Droncar
Bernhopefully nxt yr
ngoomieguh breeding update wehn
EvaTheEpicnot good for my health
ngoomiei wan good IV trickypop
EvaTheEpicok enough trials, getting memories of speedruning old burmyty platformers
bopsthrough the power of friendship
Bernu need to trade to a player to evo those mons now
Bern@misart they dont function now :/
ngoomielink cable doesn't work rn misart
Droncargo to jext and be like "bro, hol up"
Misart05How i use the link cable to evolve my kadabra in CV? because i tried to use It and says it cant be used on overworld
ngoomiei need to catch more sheetrick i only have one atm
EvaTheEpictwo shinies enough
EvaTheEpicand lickypop
bopstell em to wait
EvaTheEpici got a shinny sheetrick im chillin
MonsieurElmamy shiny beheaded tree worm
MonsieurElmamy siny beheaded tree
Droncarnuh hu
Bernnu uh
bopsmy shiny rat
bopsbut but
Droncarlike me actually trying to get shiny criminook today
bopsoh my
Droncarthose are lethal doses of copium
Berni love a good dose of copium
EvaTheEpicalso on top of the site screen there is announcment from jext
bopsits gonna stay actually
Droncaryuh hu
bopsikr ngoomie
ngoomieit ends never ;(
Bernthere's an announcement in discord for the hourse left
bopsnuh uh
Droncarno it ends tonight
bopswhat no it ends sunday
EvaTheEpicfew hours left :)
bopsthey will stay forever ;-;
bopsno they dont
BernFF rats end
EvaTheEpicmore rare and better
EvaTheEpicso u should catch those
EvaTheEpicye nice
bopsive seen that
bopsohh right
EvaTheEpicred arrows indicate the skweek has at least one maxed out IV and possible a HA
bopsred arrows?
EvaTheEpici might be wrong tho, i havent seen one but thats what i read in chat before
EvaTheEpicyeah same as red arrows
bopsthat changes things
bopsoh damn
EvaTheEpicno i think the sfc appears when it spawns in the overworld
bopsdoes anyone know if you have to encounter skweek in order to see if its shiny
EvaTheEpicidk why im doing this rn i havent even beaten misty