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tonylocolet me guess
Silkeregnit can be before
ColosoalJust need surf
tonylocoThe legendary is only after beating Lund?
tonylocoJust need the electric/fire and the tentacruel looking mon
ColosoalBut outside of mon wise you might as well pick those up
ColosoalMon wise sorta
tonylocoIs there anything important in the harsholme hollows? I just beat Bristol but I left 1 or two pokeballs behind
ColosoalIf it’s nonexistent I have a unlimited amount
DroncarYou already did that
JadzkiThe Champ Amber beat me T_T Then again it 1 on 6 xD
Paperboy012305Go to the Pokengine Wiki for more help on the Treasure Hunt.
Erbertoh okay thanks
Paperboy012305Catch 12 mons in the island, then talk to the clown to receive a mon with surf. After that, surf down and find a treasure map. Then do a treasure hunt, after you do that you get the Global PC.
Erberthow can i complete it?
Paperboy012305But it's not really a region so technically, it doesn't count.
Paperboy012305The fastest region to complete is Summer Island.
ShadowKrimsonYes Norman is the end of Hoenn for now
SilkeregnHarshlome then
demonycnvm it doesnt say exactly where
Erberti dont care
SilkeregnEevie just use surf in the water
OriginIs Norman the end of Hoenn at the moment
demonyccheck the website eevue
Silkeregndo you want fakemon or vanilla Erbert?
Erbertor the fastest
Erbertwhat is the best region to start?
Jono1sonHoenn is unfinished
demonychoenn is only up to the 4th gym im pretty sure
Eeviehey, does anyone know where on draeguntale you can get skrelp?
Originwhy can't I enter the 5th gym in hoenn
DroncarNp, ur welcome!
DoomedMarineKlaatu barada nikto
Droncarwhat happened??
Droncarim omw then
demonycwhere are you
Droncarwhere you at?
Harlequin4slothanyone wanna help me wif a trade evo?
Droncaryou keep the copy anyway
Erberti got 2 starters in harsholme xd
DoomedMarineLast thing we need are Deadite Pokémon.
DoomedMarineI'll go and put where I think it goes to see if I keep a copy, better not forget the words.
DroncarIt shouldnt bug out
DoomedMarineBut seriously, I got 2 Necronoomicons.
DoomedMarineEvil Dead is GOATED!
Silkeregnnice reference
DoomedMarineIt is normal to get two Necronomicons? Will I lose both of my hands? Will get to have chainsaw hands?
LSSPopeyeah you need strength and surf from it
Silkeregnoh yeah I do.
Silkeregnbeen a while since I did kanto, do I need to go trough that whole safari zone mess
Silkeregnit scales with your party
LSSPopenope, but I can go do that
Paperboy012305Pokemon Breeder Foster in Easter Island, he has a singular Chansey.
Silkeregnhave you finished easter island?
LSSPopemay I ask where is?
Silkeregnbut hub isnt the best place to grind levels honestly
Silkeregnthere are some trainers that you can re battle that scale with you
LSSPopeis there a spot to grind levels on HUB
tonylocoJust figured there would be something to build hype/excitement
Silkeregnlove is a strong word
tonylocoYeah I have, might have missed it tho
yanslo2love you
Silkeregnits free
Silkeregnyes in the shop on the site yanslo
Silkeregnfrom what I've seen we get incremental updates when it's ready
yanslo2am i able to restart kanto & choose adifference version?
SilkeregnHave you looked in the discord?
tonylocoI don't mean it like that, just curious to know if there is something being worked on at the moment
Silkeregnif you are in Kanto, you can fly using the pokecenters
SilkeregnI feel like roadmaps are for games you pay for, where the devs have an obligation to make promises on what is to come
yanslo2can i restart the hoenn thing if i've chosen a version already?
tonylocoIs there some sort of roadmap for this game?\
Droncaryou can trade exclusives with them
Droncaryou see them
yanslo2oh sick
yanslo2or are yall seperate? worlds
yanslo2do you see people playing blue version if you're playing red version?
beangms handled thx
Silkeregnif you are stuck and /unstuck dosent work, ask for help in the right channel in discord
Silkeregnresetting in shop starts you over from the beginning
Silkeregnthats not what they meant
ShadowKrimsonYou can reset any region in the shop
Droncardid you try refreshing the webpage?
beananyone know if i can reset to hub somewhere, unstuck isnt working and im just bugged black screen
AlroHow long is twisted thicket here for?