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Jext ★, atlasrune, DravynLeCrux, Alro, the_miniyeti, SanguineSol, Ryder, VortexNail, nadan2460, pikapop-soda, blackem, PartialFragment, maikoherrera, franzanth, Interdimensional_Gal, Zaheir, Harlequin4sloth, M.Kingsley123, Blcklux, MajiiN, MissNovachrono, Droncar, budabu, tetrislicious, Nozkareno, Vess, Sincubus, Xarrin, BruceWayne
breauxdogblue might beat my a**
Araimaitems cannot be moved between regions
FlinkzIs it possible to use teleport outside of battle?
Entropyninesnot like i can put much else that works
lemoniteniteDo items transfer between regions using global
GunniJFC that Fumaboar fight spooked the ever living goomy out of me when it showed up with like ??? level and spamming Stomping Tantrum.
Entropyninesbut i would put an air balloon on my cushimera tbh
Araimaair balloon?
lemoniteniteLike the ones that get u off ground
Entropynines...i don't even think i can get a balloon
AraimaSturdy also blocks OHKO but yeah, limited team space
lemoniteniteDo balloons work ?
Entropyninesi can't hit everything at once ;_;
Entropyninesi only have three slots
Paperboy012305Pro Tip, get a Flying type or Levitate mon.
Entropyninesjust took out my *entire* team aaaaaaaa
Entropyninesand i want to strangle him.
Entropyninesand i swear it hits 90% of the time
Entropyninesand he has a gargryph with fissue
Entropyninesthere is one opponent in borovia battle tower
lemoniteniteI've never found a wild colobud bc I keep using repels lol
Araimacontext clues save the day
GunniY'all was right
breauxdogwtf I'm trying to use water pulse but it said no target found???
lemoniteniteNice clownfit
lemoniteniteIs it the one with ??? Level
Gunni... HOLY bidoof WHAT IS A FUMABOAR?!
Icymosshehehe Bea the Bee is cute
lemoniteniteActually one of my best friends irl is named Bea and her nickname is bee
IcymossBeeatrix the Bee...
Icymossnope It still needs a name
IcymossThe shark is my cats right now lol, the Alien is very rad
lemoniteniteDid u name it yet :v
lemoniteniteWe don't have Ikea here but if we did I'd get the shark and the alien
IcymossIts so fluffy
lemoniteniteNiceys !!
IcymossI got a Ikea Bee Plush :D
GunniOk,I am in the Gloomy Tangle.
IcymossLemon want to know something rad?
Icymossyo morn
Entropyninesman do i wish leftovers worked
lemoniteniteMornin guys
breauxdogthen probably the delivery guy so its a dog
tonylocoit was even before I got the starter
tonylococan't remember tbh
breauxdogthe delivery guy?
tonylocoI got it right at the beginning
breauxdogwho did you get it from
tonylocook cool, can someone tell me what's in the egg from Harsholme, is it Gobbeel?
tonylocoI'm just wondering if I should bother with ev training while going through story
Entropyninessold for moderately cheap in rica
Entropynineslike 3 BP in hub
Entropyninesnot really
tonylocoare fruit punch candies hard to obtain?
✏skur ★Taekowl is pretty mudkipin good
bernn65cause i dont switch
✏skur ★current team (with rica beaten so far) 4543_ff7be2e59739d32b.webp
bernn65i leterally just beat the 3rd gym like 2 hours ago only 2 pokemon fainted
Entropyninesfair, yeah, it would do that
✏skur ★which rup performs insanely well
✏skur ★nah i need a fairy wall
Entropyninesit works
Entropynineskind of a pain to catch but
Entropyninesiunno if you wanna replace it crocoil looks pretty alright
✏skur ★still comes in hella clutch tbf
✏skur ★actually my guys nature is even bidooftier 4543_2be7154d1d4a5d23.webp
✏skur ★cuz i love arsinge and i have to defend my beautiful boy
GunniYour Arsinge must had a decent nature I guess; mine doesn't benefit from Adamant at all.
breauxdogwhat's better dragon dances or swords dance
Entropynineslike this
Entropynineswhy are you being
✏skur ★my arsinge was goated unfortunately i am actually good at pokemon
GunniMy Rica team is currently a dog hippowdon Arsinge, Terundra, Colobud, Blubbark (male), Mambolt, and Nymbide.
bernn65my arsinge has flamethower
garoshwgrTem alguma região que podemos zerar o modod Historia?
bernn65my rica team is, arsinge, foromen, desmon, hercross, wingale, voltapik
Entropyninesi found it to underperform rather severely and i was still using things like singe for a while
GunniAdamant Arsinge goes no where.
GunniMy Arsinge has the worst nature for it.
Entropyninesis fine. yeah