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VessI love borovia
Primalalright I guess I'm gonna make my shiny shroom be speedy
bernn65im in borovia right now
MonsieurElmabut you need to beat a bastion challenge first
MonsieurElmasouth dock to be precise
bernn65where at hub
bernn65what region
SilkeregnEffort island is for EV training, unlocked after beating one challenge in the Bastion
MonsieurElmado you know what EV are ?
MonsieurElmaan island to EV train your mons
VessEV training place with guaranteed hordes
bernn65what is effeort island
MonsieurElmait has spore
MonsieurElmait may not have the fastest speed stat
Vessthe tiles it happens on are fixed, just remember which ones teleport you
Silkeregnman, im going back to the pond in effort island, i need a quick shiny to get my melatonin levels up
RadicalPiIs there any sense to the resets in the Twisted Thicket forest?
Vessspore on a speedy mon then
Primaldang it
DroncarWell it doesnt
MonsieurElmai might not work on Pokengine
SilkeregnKyle said it dosent work
Primalso damp ability actually works? it has a (n) besides it
DroncarC'est beau putain
MonsieurElmaheureusement que tu es là
MonsieurElmaah merci
MZenossans la majuscule fréro
MonsieurElmacleffa i forgot the command
MonsieurElmaand the groove shroom as well
MonsieurElmalove that shrrom
DroncarShiny Boongus the shiny hunter pro
Vessboongus line my beloved
MonsieurElmaand this why i love to have my shiny Boongus with spore and false swipe
DroncarMy condolences Silk
Primal^ mons with damp ability
MonsieurElmanow you do
PrimalI didnt know it existed
Primalyeah its damp
VessI've personally become a big fan of tossing a ball on turn 1 and immediately catching things
MonsieurElmai forgot the name of the ability that prevents explosions from happening
Primaldamp ability?
MonsieurElmaand that is why you want a pokemon with spore or even better, Damp ability
Primalthats why you need status effect mons or something
DroncarNooo lmao
MonsieurElmayeah, figured
MonsieurElmais that it
Silkeregnit used self destruct
DroncarHaha wait for it
MonsieurElmait died
MonsieurElmaand not just shiny geoguy
Primal^ it could be normal shiny
Vessmy presence continues to bring luck
MonsieurElmaare you sure it is golden geoman
Droncargg silk
Droncarcatch it
Primaloh lmfao
PrimalI'm going for golden
MonsieurElmadoes the game gives you a shiny on the leaderboard when you encounter it, or when you catch it
Vessy'all grinding for a shiny or is the regular one just hard to find?
MonsieurElmaguys, quick questions came to my mind
Primalhoundour grind?
SilkeregnI logged off in this same patch
MonsieurElmafor me skyrim and elden rings are some of the best games i have ever played
Primalhey silk
Silkeregnyo primal
PrimalI got the anniversary edition, worst decision I've ever made. All my mods broken
DroncarBut then all the surprise updates from bethesda kinda kicked me off the game
Vesssave for 10 minutes of it I tried at a friend's place during a sleepover in highschool
VessI've still never played skyrim, surprisingly
Primalitsa  must have
Primalfor real