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demonyc1/10000 chance
Fatal_Error08Nuh uh, I just don't use the safari zone :3
ColosoalEspecially in hub
ColosoalYou get used to it fatal
Fatal_Error08I hate how the safari zone doesn't let you use the sacred regular pokeball TwT
demonycthis is my first time seeing golden kyle
ColosoalFinally my meal is finished :)
gloomtyy kyle
MZenosOh Kyle is here!
demonyckyle the dove?
@kyledove ★gloom towns with a dock and speak to a sailor
darkeryetdarkerjust gonna go to cloudia
gloomhelp how do i leave the rica region
Fatal_Error08You can't get scyther outside of the safari zone?!
@Fuzzyit tastes like purple dolphin
ShadowKrimsonAncient pink dolphin
demonyci heard a myth it tastes like whatever is looking at it
ColosoalSo pink dolphin?
demonycthats an insane taste
@Fuzzyit tastes like prehistoric dolphin ancestor
darkeryetdarkerit will taste like idk hippo meat ig?
ShadowKrimsonUnfortunately it does not
demonycdependes, you could make a mirror bacon burguer
ColosoalOh silly fuzzy not the object, the water based hippo from the hit region rica
ColosoalWill it taste like bacon
@Fuzzydon't eat mirrors, the glass is bad for your digestive tract
ColosoalWhat is the key to eating a miroor
@Fuzzythat's me
@Fuzzynipa swamp
Silkeregnalso ty
Silkeregnwhere are those?
@Fuzzyyes tutor in rica
AminyAt least at one of the tutors I think I remember seeing it
AminyI think Rica has thunder punch?
Silkeregnwhat region has thunder punch and power up punch
SilkeregnDo eggs need to be picked up to refresh?
SilkeregnI think I just need a decent kanto team and grind for BP for a full day
AminyAlong the left side of it
demonycnext to the passage to the beach
Silkeregnit didnt scale with me last I tried
AminyThe garden
darkeryetdarkeri think in the garden?
Silkeregnwhere is the chansey trainer in easter?
PartialFragmentgn guys gl for ur shuntinh
Vespersnowi got pretty lucky with ghoulotine so ima give this one till like 4k then give up lol
PartialFragmentaite imma sleep
demonycim at 2k fumysticks rn
demonycthose are still pretty good numbers
Silkeregnsome people are well over 4k
MajiiNI stopped AT 1084
PartialFragmentvesper i got it at 636 u got this
Silkeregnstill under odds
MajiiNHow many encounter
Vespersnowim starting to think shiny buubauld is a myth
darkeryetdarkerit the same bull bidoof as gobblin so you gonna basically beat all of borovia to do it
Silkeregnyou should ask about that in the discord to make sure
PartialFragmentuntil its shiny?
ColosoalI think keep losing to him
darkeryetdarkerif you  wanna reset every single encounter then yes
PartialFragmenti cant refresh it right
Silkeregnyea gl with that
ColosoalI think that’s a crystabrawl
PartialFragmentam i able to shiny hunt it
Silkeregnwhat mon is that
Silkeregnoh okey
PartialFragmenthe sells a mon for 20k
Silkeregnuh not really
PartialFragmentuk the business man at borovia
demonycgotta get shiny fumy first
PartialFragmentsilk i got a qns
Silkeregnah okey
ColosoalI think you also have to battle lyra
Silkeregnif not you just gotta have one in your party and speak to Lyra
demonycim in tt
Silkeregncheck your outfit bag?
demonychmm maybe i dont
ColosoalHgss: 😢
Silkeregnhgss protags