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MZenosWe're working on it
MZenosYou can see the sprite here ? That's the main goal for now :p
Primalaint it?
Primalthats private :O
MZenosThis is one of starters
Primalyeah silk, thats the scientific explanation
SilkeregnSheep, but meaner
Primalor that
Silkeregnsay say baah n rayquaza
Primallike this :mon_00dw8d9y:
Silkeregna ram is an animal
Silkeregnnot yet
Primalfall fest is not out yet right
Silkeregnits shiny is also cute
MZenosrams ?
Silkeregnthere is one in Fall fest!
PrimalI am disappointed in the lack of rams/goats tho
MZenosIt's one of the only fakemon I made by myself at Ishiria
MZenosHaha let's go!
Paperboy012305Ooh, that's the Ishira region? That looks very nice.
Silkeregnomg Blue Exorcist is so back
Primalofc, gonna shiny hunt it
MZenosYou like him ?
Primalthank god
MZenosNo primal, it will be a "common" Pokemob
MZenosColosoal, check the general channel on Pokengine server, you will have a look at Ishiria
Primaltell me this mon is not a 1 time only :mon_00ch7kch:
ColosoalI’m bored Ima dip now
Entropyninesand that's a problem because fighting murders it even with cotton guard lmao
Entropyninesits def suuuuuuuuuuucks
EntropyninesSimple Cushimera is not panning out as well as i'd hoped
ColosoalIshria = new kaloria
MZenosKaloria doesn't exist, it will me Onirium when I will take it back :p
Primalthat sounds like a sickness
Count_Fapulashiny mightire 2820
ColosoalLegends like region for ishria would be kaloria?
Primalwhich one was yours again?
MZenosMy region x)
PrimalWhat will have global pc?
MZenosBut I don't think I will put it for the first release
MZenosGlobal PC will exist ofc!!!
MZenosNot with the first part
breauxdoglitwick with flash fire and smog as well as minimize
ColosoalAt least it will have global pc
breauxdogI did something
MZenosNo worries Colosoal
MZenosLike all the fakemon from the first part of the dex :*
Jadzkiwhat the heck, they army doesn't let me explore the city? that so lame
MZenosIt's in private for now :p
Primal(not really but it feels that way)
MZenosyou will get it back
Primaland the last unown always takes a couple of hours to be found
ColosoalIk but I miss the poison applin evo :(
MZenosYou don't know how GOOD Ishiria is :D
breauxdogthey just did tho
MZenosYou can't
JadzkiDon't wory Breau, after that you go catch all 28 Unowns xD
Primalpro tip: you need patience for CV
ColosoalAnyway back to my evo stone obsessed pumpkaboo
breauxdogI still need to catch all 100 mons in there
Primalit doesnt
JadzkiAnyone done CV? DOes it matter what city i fly too?
breauxdogyes and flash fire absorbs fire moves and boost its self
ColosoalSo it already resits fire
DroncarMy insanity is just building up rn
ColosoalIt’s fire type
breauxdogwait is flash fire litwick good for it?
ColosoalMy insanity can’t be filled until all dexes are filled
Droncarso you just doing it for fun
ColosoalI just do it for my pure hunger for dex completion
DroncarDo you get something by completing dex here?
ColosoalPlus if you haven’t done borovia yet you would also have to evolve litwick and sautler which evolve at LVL 41 AND LVL 45
breauxdogwell I cant really farm it if I get almost two shot lmao
ColosoalBut not enough for a LVL 45 EVO
DroncarRelatively a lot
DroncarFumystic gives a lot of exp btw