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PartialFragmentBern teach me ur ways of shiny hunting
SleebyEepyum srry..
SilkeregnYou spam.
SleebyEepywho spams..
Silkeregnit won't kill ya to not spam chat with caps being a nuisence
Herii123Wait did it update again
Bernbetter than a silent chat i say
SilkeregnI just wish people would mellow down a little
GunniMood Silk
SilkeregnI really hate putting chatters on block
Icymossbrb food time gl and hf peeps
Silkeregnpeople repeatedly told you what to do
GunniNo one help Sleeby
SleebyEepyhow u know that it's minecraft ...
Icymosswould it take you to were you were born? Or would it be like minecraft and its your bed
SleebyEepywhere it will take me
Bernso u get unstuck from death
Silkeregnlog off then
Icymossnah nah nah nah nah
SleebyEepyi dont think i can unstuck
SleebyEepybut im ded irl
Icymosslol /unstuck to revive sleeby
Berntype /unstuck
Bernrevival herb, cuz life's bitter
SleebyEepyi've been killed by shortest reply ever which is "no"
SleebyEepymax revive wont help
Bernuse max revive
Entropyninesthank you then
Icymosscouldnt be me :muscle:
Mowgli23dosnt really matter to me
SleebyEepyrevive wont help me
Entropyninesyou want your original back?
SleebyEepyso real
Bernuse revive
Icymossits just a pokeball if not lol
Icymossnot sure
GunniDusk Balls not implemented?
Mowgli23ok be there shortly
Entropyninesi'll be in the airport
Icymossnp np have fun
Entropyninesnice, ty
Gunnity moss
Mowgli23ill help entro
Entropyninesany player in hub willing to trade/back a haunter for me real quick
Bern“Patience you must have, my young Padawan.
SleebyEepywelp exploding cuz someone never responds
Silkeregngl with that
Silkeregnwhat are you hunting sleeby?
Icymossrip sleeby
GunniOk I got 4
SleebyEepyim exploding D:
Icymossyea 4
GunniIcymoss, how many did I send you? 4?
SleebyEepyhatched eggs and no shiny snug
SleebyEepythats sad
Icymossyea alot of really cool ones aint in the game yet
Silkeregnwhats new
SleebyEepyand they not on any maps thats so sad
SleebyEepyAlteran one omg
Icymossyo yo yo
Shengian_SpidopsAlso hi icy :D
Bernwhen hoenn's finished
Shengian_SpidopsThunder punch breloom when
Bernfor the meantime we dont get breloom, so for now it's better
Shengian_SpidopsNeeds more salt imo
Bernjust wait for hoenn to be finished then for breloom