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✏mattgcni should get my DVDs of it from my dad's
XiterokLast month on Netflix, so it's time to see it
GraalOtonamiFantastic taste
XiterokI'm watching Monty Python's Flying Circus while ev training (+ shiny hunting)
GraalOtonamiY'know, when it's not ChatGPT or plagiarism
AraimaI'm shiny hunting while watching a playthru of the RPG maker horror game Cat in the Box :>
SilkeregnEffort island should have guaranteed 5 horde battles
GraalOtonamiIt matters to me because I teach games design, and when looking up sources, it's all my students hand in
✏mattgcnyou have to recalibrate your scale of importance a little if you think games journalism like. matters
✏mattgcnyes? much worse?
GraalOtonamiAre they any worse than Polygon tho?
✏mattgcnof course that's not how they'd define themselves, for obvious reasons
✏mattgcnlove that think tank funding
✏mattgcnthat would make any conservative rag up and down the web a mainstream journo lol
GraalOtonamiAs long as it's a site with corporate backing tbh
Silkeregndoes light ball work?
✏mattgcnwhen its ready
Araimawhen it's ready :>
GunniI know we're having halloween
GunniWhen does Fall event start?
✏mattgcni mean, published how? lots of journos functionally run their own outlets
GraalOtonamiI consider established, published journalist as mainstream. I don't have a high opinion of any media
SilkeregnI had to go back to kanto to re register them
✏mattgcnif it was a region where golbat is not in the dex, it does not register
✏mattgcndepends on where you evolved the zubat into golbat
Silkeregnwait there are journalists other than games journalists?
AraimaWhy do I have zubat and crobat registered but not golbat..
Araimacross regional dex tracking be wacky
✏mattgcni would say if you're defining journalist by starting with a games journalist you've lost the plot a little
GraalOtonamiSchreier isn't too bad as long as he's covering studios, rather than their games
✏mattgcnyou're not trying very hard then lol
AraimaI honestly dunno any good journalists or mainstrem media these days
GraalOtonamiHard disagree
Silkeregnall it takes to be a journalist is clip twitch streams and post them on twitter
✏mattgcnagain i do not trust we are operating on the same definition of journalist or mainstream media here
GraalOtonamiDare I ask?
AraimaIt spread from the "journos" into mainstream xD
✏mattgcndepends on what you're defining as mainstream media
GraalOtonamiThat's the gaming media
Silkeregnthats crazy
Araimanow the mainstream media calls gamers "chuds"
GraalOtonamiPlaystation Pornable indeed, as if anyone ever called it that
SilkeregnThey still are some times, but not in the same way
GraalOtonamiI loved when news was so inept when it came to the internet
SilkeregnThe hacker known as 4chan will remember that
MajiiNNo need for them
Silkeregnvery real and very serious
✏mattgcn"the hacker 4chan"
SilkeregnI hope the hacker 4chan enables them for us good citizens
✏mattgcntheyre not going to
SilkeregnI want at least one on my profile
AraimaI don't think they would / should
XiterokI hope they'll return in June
SilkeregnI'd want a rainbow lugia if those were still available
XiterokThe canon first oh-ho in the anime
SilkeregnI'd like to hunt meltan
SilkeregnI also need to restart CV
Silkeregnno lie, I want a golden ho oh
XiterokGot my ace mon and passed to the next region
XiterokWhile Shunting Nephelith, I wanted to get it golden - I thought that if it wouldn't be golden, I would restart after lugia/oh-ho
Silkeregnalso yes I got kind of bored
SilkeregnI just reset Kanto and Cloudia to hunt all the statics there
Xiterokit is
Xiterokbut a shiny is a shiny
Silkeregnits static yea?
SilkeregnThats a nice one
XiterokHoping for Golden, because not so different as normal shiny
GunniIs there an amulet coin in kanto?
XiterokBut probably after the events are passed
Silkeregnwhats that
XiterokI already have another shiny i'm pointing at
SilkeregnQuickest way to feel that shiny high
Silkeregnif you check my profile youll see
XiterokWhile Challenging MxDemeanor
XiterokOn EV island I found only one shiny mon until now
Silkeregnim back to quickly claim an easy shiny for those seratonin points in my brain
XiterokWhile hoping for shiny Wiglett
SilkeregnEv training?
XiterokHi Silkeregn
Paperboy012305Well at least let us buy 500 coins then.
Silkeregnsup xiterok
✏mattgcni wouldnt say "intended" more that it's just not implemented
Silkeregncoding reasons
Araimathats the only way
Araimagotta buy coins straight up