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Icymossyou will get one sleeby
TGAnole55i think it was yellow from bunny beach? idr
SleebyEepyi cant do it
ColosoalTheirs green, yellow, red, purple, and B L A C K
TGAnole55i meant orange as in the shiny is orange lol
Icymossyellow i think
SleebyEepyyall r srs
lemoniteniteShould I catch a whirlipede in rica
ColosoalMost likely yellow egg
ColosoalTheir isn’t a orange egg so
TGAnole55color of egg? i dont know i honestly wasnt paying attention lol
Icymossits a egg
lemoniteniteWhat color is it ??
lemoniteniteI want one of those
Icymossyo gg
Nixcelpix ★congrats!
lemoniteniteAwwwww lucky !!!!
TGAnole55shiny seasnug :-)
Icymosshehe its fun :D
PartialFragmentits 8:35am
PartialFragmenti dont even know why i put myself thru this
ColosoalI’m trying to avoid lvl 21+ plus rare candies chances get reduced from 4% to 3%
lemoniteniteAh shoot
PartialFragmentimma get to lvl 29 real quick for my ghoulo
Icymosslvl 11+ can drop Rare candys and 21+ pp ups
ColosoalIt evolves at lvl 45 and it’s currently lvl 25
PartialFragmentohhh icy wait for like 20mins
IcymossI got one if you want
lemoniteniteI didn't know they even dropped those damn
PartialFragmenti only need 1 more candy D: stupid pumpkaboo are on a strike
ColosoalLvling up fumystic to eolve
MagnumTheQuilSlayerlevel up a mon instanously
Icymosslvling in TT lol
lemoniteniteRare candies ?
lemoniteniteWhat's those candies for
ColosoalIn total
ColosoalOnly 9 candies from pick up
ColosoalAnd on
ColosoalI have 40 NORMAL REPELS
MagnumTheQuilSlayerafter 2 thousand tries, probably the waddle dee
ColosoalWHO WINS: Chaos Elfis the god of destruction Vs a tiny waddle Dee controlled by thousands of parasites known as twitch chat
Ihazkirbrohonestly fml
Ihazkirbroi had a run where i get 5 exp alls, 10 exp charms, 4 super exp charms, and the game still decided to screw me over and REDUCE my mons levels just before wave 95
ColosoalI’ve got repels for days in to
MagnumTheQuilSlayermine got repelents and a moon stone
Entropynines...have a counter to mega ray?
Ihazkirbroladies and gentlemen, how o i beat wave 95 on pokerouge?
ColosoalCoin casade + pay day against lund
syvvhmm best way to make money in harsholme?
PartialFragmentbroo mine got me a destiny knot
ColosoalShould I have their wage be a shiny stone
ColosoalMy pumpkaboo have found 12 SHINY STONES in tt
ColosoalI think I’ve given magnum depression
syvvalrighty, thanks
Volcanronsyvv apparently they can be found in rare eggs for sale at the Tavern
Nixcelpix ★Colosoal is dead!?
ColosoalDo you have any spare brow patterns :)
syvvis there anyway to get Dimwraith without resetting?
Araimamy alt has noses, just like my main
ColosoalHave y’all tried alts and got any brow patterns
ColosoalMan I still need a spare brow pattern :/
PartialFragmentoh man he left
Raynardtho anyone could just add digimon to their region for funsies that's not just an egho thing
PartialFragmentmajin u got it?
MajiiNGL with Your hunts
Raynardthough they're not visible on their page you can still search them
Raynardalso the digimon
Raynardi wanna collect all the typhlosions
ColosoalNgl I just want the regional glimmet
Raynardfienroar is so awesome