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tetrislicious, Jext ★, april, Renata413, SanguineSol, Sincubus, blackem, envychimera, Wobblebubbee, Gunni, TGAnole55, Volcanron, tinyfoxgamer6, Almudena-C, Solkeist, LXR, salgau, Kurasame, Hakinna, Ashaai, Araima, Hilltop_Zephyr, Paperboy012305, Bern, atlasrune, rorikon, WetLava, rebar, TyTheGuy1117, M.Kingsley123, thehunter6020, KleenDuster, Rejnka, Cloudzuki, Imbring_1, Fuzzy, MagusValentine, Lenemy, pikapop-soda, Dr4k3, LeAms, Sabien36, deckow88, UnknownMongrel, Romulus, Serikou3, Count_Fapula
lemoniteniteSuppppper hard
AraimaI wish non wicked brambarb didn't appear here :sob: I want a shiny wicked
lemoniteniteMm is brambarb the only wicked form here
lemoniteniteOh you'll get it later
✏mattgcntheyre always good to have around
MxDemeanorDef all the rest of my mon are dark types
Araimayour whole party and boxes
✏mattgcni should get some extra wickeds
✏mattgcndw everything is sent out when the event is done
AraimaIt'll get sent to the gift box after the event is over @Mondex
MxDemeanorI think you would have won anyway
✏mattgcntechnically none of this dex is designed for being completed within the event lol
AraimaPvP desyncs
EliMondexAwws, I got the wicked brambarb and I cannot transfer it QQ
MxDemeanorThat's weird
rebarwhen my 1 of 6 mons died
rebarit said i lost
rebarno i got kicked from the battle
MxDemeanorI think I'm cooked
TGAnole55so why is dusknoir in the dex
TGAnole55you can't even get a reaper cloth here right
Araima@Mondex no global pc
✏mattgcnno one needs shiny or moon stones in here sadly lmao
TGAnole55oh who needs shinies i got a shiny stone
rebarjust took a sec
MxDemeanorOh you glicthes this time
rebari didnt get sent into the battle
EliMondexHow do I access the globel PC on the halloween event?
lemoniteniteI picked the eye originally
UnknownMongrelah i have nose so that makes sense
lemoniteniteAh yeah correction
✏mattgcnfirst form is eye
✏mattgcnits not that, its only the first form that comes up
lemoniteniteOr was it the form shown in dex
lemoniteniteU need all forms
UnknownMongrelwhy is mushmol not in the dex?
MxDemeanoroh I glitched
MxDemeanorah well
MxDemeanoraw rayquaza my main team is still in kanto
MxDemeanorYes volcanron I get two shinies in a row every time
Teaowli think i just lost all of my luck getting this shiny so id happily trade
Volcanronshinies wont ever come on but you get IVs quicl
MxDemeanorHold on rebar let me grab my team heh
Volcanroncan someone swap lucks with me
TGAnole55reloading fixed it for me though
TGAnole55sorry xD
✏mattgcnno pickup procs for me
✏mattgcnlol tg i think we traded luck
IcymossGZ he looks dope gold
Teaowlzubat is one of my favorite mons too
lemoniteniteLemme have some fun too I only got 1 shiny q.q
Volcanroneveryone is getting shinies wowie
Teaowlshould i go for a regular shiny too?
TGAnole55i so wish TT had a scaling trainer or xp candy shop lol
lemoniteniteGolden Zubat..
Teaowlalrighttt caught the zubat
MxDemeanorback to hub and then... sobs... iv hunting gastly
MxDemeanorwelp time to leave tt
lemoniteniteOH I just saw the mons name u traded me
MxDemeanoraight ready
lapassionbluei think i slept for 4
lemoniteniteI mean fair I've only slept like. 3hr today
✏mattgcnwhat mon?
Teaowldidnt even shake before it came out of ball
lapassionbluealso lemon i did sleep kinda just not a lot :B
✏mattgcnoh yeah
MxDemeanorhold on
MxDemeanorOh I can't trade with only one mon in my party
Teaowlif i catch it damnn
lapassionbluepart of the fun in mapping in rpg maker for me was decorating maps w/tings
lemoniteniteDid u get one ??