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NyraKyteTheres Fog in the arena oh know
RezzyTheGamertell that to the anime
ZeroStarKaiand you didn't use smokescreen
ZeroStarKaiJd, surf has a 100% hit rate
DaltonisBesides best way for friendship grinding is running around and talking to the mon
NyraKyteFriendship evo? nah, just like an hour of running up and down lol
DaltonisI'll be fine lmao
ZeroStarKaiAre you willing to do several hours of potentially mon killing grinding to get it up there?
DaltonisI grinded 7300 encounters for a shiny that was accidentally locked
DaltonisDawg I love Crobat
ZeroStarKaiFor a nuzlocke?
NyraKyteyeah. unless for some reason they changed it. I can tell you 100% I had a leafeon in my First kanto run.
ZeroStarKaiAlso, Daltonis, are you SURE you want to grind to 220 friendship just to have crobat?
ZeroStarKaiI mean easiest place to test it would be a fresh C valley save
DaltonisMay come in clutch on the Nuzlocke I'll be doing
NyraKyteit was worth a shot D: since I for some reason thought "Oh i can use it in the battle tower. maybe I can just evolve it... just need an eevee in a region with the stone..." lol
DaltonisBut it's good to know 'next-gen' evos are available in Kanto
ZeroStarKaiI don't think ANY of the Uranium eeveelutions can be evolved into, Nyra
samwichconlimonI just finished snapcube metroid prime, so good timing
NyraKyteyeah. I think with the exception of overall unavailable mons. like Alpheon, I tried getting that cuz its in the battle tower. but eevee doesnt take the Dawn stone. (maybe shiny stone?)
ZeroStarKaiit's a good video
samwichconlimonyo, lythero lobby shenaniganz video out, lets go
DaltonisBut yeah, you're probably right evos would probably be server-wide unless it was listed as a specific 'variant'
RezzyTheGameryou can get unlimited electrizers in harsholme postgame
NyraKyteI had a leafon in retro kanto so
ZeroStarKaiFRLG are the only games in the franchise to do that
samwichconlimonpretty sure i heard that electabuzz could hold electrizer
ZeroStarKaiEven in that case, it's still the wrong kanto
DaltonisWouldn't be surprised if region COULD be locked for evos somehow
NyraKyteoh i didnt know that. never went against Electabuzz. So maybe you can get stuff like Dawn, or Dusk stones and stuff. but, if it can be found there you can evolve. and so, get friendship up and you can have those pokemon
ItsJahhwherre do i find soil stone
DaltonisI mean I don't know the code so idk
ZeroStarKaiThat would conflict with the entire engine, no?
DaltonisI heard someone say it was only after E4 some time back here
NixcelpixCongrats Icy!
ZeroStarKaiyou just need to grind the friendship
IcymossSecond shiny in the ball! Sandstrum
DaltonisIt's availible straight away?
ZeroStarKaiCrobat evo is friendship
DaltonisI mean obviously but I'm referring to the Crobat evo
ZeroStarKaiThis ain't FRLG
DaltonisAfter beating the E4
DaltonisAs in Kanto post-game
samwichconlimonyou can get electrizer in kanto, electabuzz sometimes hold it
ZeroStarKaiWhat's post game, Daltonis?
NixcelpixCongrats Icy!
NyraKyteas long as it doesnt require an item that cant be obtained in kanto. like, electrolizer for example
DaltonisPost-game tho I heard?
ZeroStarKaikeep in mind friendship grinding is forever
AverageW3e3byippee ya
Nixcelpixyou can have a Crobat
NixcelpixYes you can Average
samwichconlimonnot yet, that would require me to get global pc in harsholme
AverageW3e3bQuestion: in retro Kanto is it just updated types or also evolutions like acrobat???
DaltonisSeems like a decent cash opportunity
DaltonisDid you put all those rats for auction maybe?
DaltonisStill on the Lailyne?
samwichconlimonstill no luck in pokengine tho
DaltonisGlad it got some love in Legend Arceus
DaltonisStantler always was a bit disappointing
NyraKyteI live here now Nix
samwichconlimoncaught a shiny stanler in s/v tho
ZeroStarKaiI'm back
GemWolfZwhats the pokemon without an overworld sprite
GemWolfZgood lord
GemWolfZi am Looking
samwichconlimongem, wanna see something funny?
TheNewKingBretzero how many are you at?
ad11you cant return
MaximdracoOnce the SS Anne leaves, is there a way to go back to that place?
samwichconlimonup and down has never worked for me in shop
ZeroStarKaialright, it's like 7pm for me, I'm gonna go makes something to eat