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Jext ★, LXR, april, DrakenSilver, SleebyEepy, SanguineSol, Culex64, atlasrune, envychimera, RisaSaffron, Ryder, CheeseQuake, Badgerpaw, Beef_Jericho, ShionF, M.Kingsley123, Jono1son, heijmans66, tetrislicious, Riobjection, Jadzki, DravynLeCrux, MaryAmarys, LightDiablo, DeKeller, lemonitenite, MxDemeanor, pikapop-soda, BaskOfSoftKitty, MajiiN, leviathin, PartialFragment, aceofspadez, LeAms, Bern, Theormansmacker, Romulus, JustAlex0, SenorDougie, Papi, Astrsx
ColosoalBro raged so much he died worse then concord
RezzyTheGamerhe died and evolved in death
Rejnkathis weakens it
Rejnkagorochu evolves into primeape now
SilkeregnPrimape dies.
Rejnkaprimeape evolves into gorochu now
RezzyTheGamerlet's share something if gamers dont know it yet
Silkeregnegg broke me game
SilkeregnMy truly a genius
Droncarhe never thought about it
PartialFragmentghoulotine is 16 and with a dream
Droncartrue that
ColosoalYour a genius
Silkeregnturn off exp share
ColosoalNot that I know of
PartialFragmentis there a way to stop leveling
RejnkaIt's literally not my target because I want PP Ups, not Rare Candies
ColosoalOr if you insane then lvl 91
ColosoalLvl 11-20 is your target rej
RejnkaI'm still leveling them up
ColosoalYou get used to it
RejnkaThen again
PartialFragmentim getting non
RejnkaI only just started my thing but all I got is a TinyMushroom
ColosoalEh true
PartialFragmentat least ur getting items
ColosoalDo I pay them in shiny stones
PartialFragmentcus the stone are shiny XD
ColosoalI have like 8 shiny stones why do my pumpkaboo like shiny stones so much
Icymossremember if you get a diffrent one i dont mind trading mine ^^
Icymossget the E G G
Paperboy012305Shiny Ghoulotine, here I come!
Icymossalso you got this sleeby
PartialFragmentidk if i have the strength for that
Paperboy012305Nah, I think I grinded enough Poke Balls.
Icymossyou will be in from of the shrooms
Icymossthen the text will still be on screen and you go though it
SleebyEepy614 hatched and no snug
PartialFragmentas in refresh or thru the shop
Icymossyou can skip it if you reset the moment it hits your party
Vespersnowbrb guys
ColosoalWho is gonna win this staring contest
ColosoalFuzzy and jext having a stare off :0
PartialFragmentdoesnt the dialogue take forever
Icymossyea 651 shrooms to get
PartialFragmenticy i jst realise u got a shiny mushroom
SammiIs there a way to check exactly what moves do or am i stuck searching though the main websites move lists?
DroncarAnyway her cascoon looks great :)
ColosoalThank you :)
Icymossgl gl
Araimaok back to conquest...'
Icymossyou sure?
Rejnkathe prophecy is yoshi's island
Silkeregnaight thanks Araima
Rejnkaa wurmple touched her asnd got dizzy, ad foretold in the prophecy
AraimaNo it doesn't
SilkeregnDoes surf work anywhere in Easter Island?
AraimaShe most likely used a lil admin privs to bring the lil dood
Paperboy012305I guess they sorta control the game, so fair enough.
Droncarhe cheating
AraimaI S supported Keaton so I'm trying to make sure I pass some good skills to Velouria..
Paperboy012305How did Fuzzy get a Cascoon in TT?
Icymossthe ??? ill come out
Rejnkai want my pp ups
Rejnkai'm catching teddiursa to have more pickup mons
ColosoalKk where at
Icymosscome trade
ColosoalWhat is it :0
Icymosscolo i have a gift
ColosoalNow only 25 more
Araimashes quite happy with rally defense and swordbreaker..
AraimaLike during my Birthright run I passed by someone doing early conquest and nabbed an Elise Einherjar and made her a wyvern rider so when I moved to conquest I gave her all the skills she learned
Araimabut yeah I've been using Einherjar and unique pair classes
Araimasame difficulty, same situation, different reaction
Araimain COnquest they won't move
AraimaExample:  In hard Birthright the AI will still attack if they do 0 dmg