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SlyisJayRaccoonat this point I cant tell which company is scummier
PG55the free Disney+ case
Mudkip1theBattleMine evolves into mushcary
Mudkip1theBattleBefore my mushmol evolves, anyone want to trade mushmol?
samwichconlimonreminds me of the rumors that hopoo games would assassinate anyone who tried to mod providence into ror2
PG55we know
SlyisJayRaccoonthen there was another lawsuit from Disney where a couple told a restraunt they had allergies and could die from them. Ignorance ensued, Husband died, Wife sued, then Disney counter-sued because they gave up thier rights for signing up for freaking Disney plus
SleebyEepymapl hiii
mapleaudinonever gonna be rattled again for how relaxed it is
mapleaudinoi love rattled relaxed nature mushmol
PG55bros uncapable of writing Ninten- (gets murdered)
ColosoalYou do it the Bloody Mary way pg
ColosoalI give up
Mudkip1theBattleThanks, that's my second gold shiny now
samwichconlimonfrankly, the name null means nothing without context of what it is
Nixcelpix ★Congrats Mudkip!
PG55you misspelled it
Herii123Also didn't Nintendo also have the same game mechanics in certain games that mirror other game companies
ColosoalIma say their name bloodmary style
demonychaving trainer backs would mean more work
PG55they are one and the same
✏mattgcnotherwise someone would have to sprite them all
ColosoalYknow what screw it
✏mattgcnnot showing trainer backs in battle is intentional lol
Mudkip1theBattleGold shiny pumpkaboo
samwichconlimonthe company one or the zelda o- oh, wiat
PG55both are villains
PG55i mean
SlyisJayRaccoonDisney denied a father from etching Spiderman on the casket of his dying 4 year old son
Herii123I mean I watched a short video of the old version
Nixcelpix ★Any mod can help Primal?
PG55were talking about the big N
samwichconlimonyeah. both happen to start with n
Herii123I mean what went wrong
ColosoalNo we not talking about “them” we talking about the echoes of wisdom antagonist
demonycits probably just palworld bc they did so much success
SlyisJayRaccoonPG55 you should see Disney for that lol
Herii123I mean pokengine was awesome back then you could play it and see your trainer in battle
✏mattgcngiven they did not invent the genre
samwichconlimon"goodwilled billionaire" yeah right
✏mattgcnthey would not have standing for a ruling that broad
✏mattgcni sincerely doubt that
demonyc~~never happening~~
PG55we (accidentally) said their name 10 times in a row
demonycstill waiting for a goodwilled billionaire to fight all this dumb greedy corporations decisions in court
SlyisJayRaccoonstill kind of worrying cause it might mean Nintendo is gonna completely try to take over the whole "monster-capture" genre of games in Japan
samwichconlimonoh, it collapses multiples of _
PG55Colosoal thank you for reminding me
samwichconlimonyep, I mean _____
PG55Slyis Nintendo would sue a 10 year old by drawing Pikachu
ColosoalYou mean n(REDACRED)?
PrimalI require help
✏mattgcnbecause that's stupid
samwichconlimoncan't believe the final boss of echoes of wisdom was just void termina from kirby + black doom from shadow the hedgehog + Knull from Marvel Comics
demonycand they usually win
Herii123Actually why didn't you guys keep the old pokengine and just make a second site
SlyisJayRaccoonNintendo wont sue unless they actually get dirt
PG55a pregnancy
✏mattgcnbut nintendo's patent lawsuits in japanese courts are always fairly broad
Icymoss9 months lol
SlyisJayRaccoonnot even a speedrun it took a while
ColosoalI think only 3-2 months
PG55i wanna check if its a record
✏mattgcnwell, depends on what the patent is
PG55how long did it take?
PG55Palworld actually speedran being sued by Nintendo
SlyisJayRaccoonstill bad news for alot of game designers
demonycits all speculation, no one really knows the patents they infringed
ColosoalEchoes of wisdom is peak can’t argue against that
ColosoalEh fair enough..
samwichconlimoncolo: echoes of wisdom is good. that is nintendo covered
✏mattgcnpeople keep citing a US patent when it's literally a japanese court case
demonycits a weird lawsuit
PG55those mothef-ers actually did it
Herii123Man if only the old pokengine was still around and this would be the second one made on another site
✏mattgcnyes. though what patents they're suing on are not in fact public
PG55they did it
ColosoalGamefreak/Nintedo are blinded on what fun/a good game is change my mind
demonycdaily copyright conversation in pe