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samwichconlimonMy brother?
Killergunfuryoh hi Krimson
wheresandshrewWith tomato.
wheresandshrewMe am back. Ate sandwich!
Lokyubsso full team?
ShadowKrimsonNice follow up Killer
ThomasHxhow do i exit fullscree
Killergunfuryput a rat living in the tree lol
Zaxaronesorry was tabbed out
KillergunfuryZax you made that?
dylancadenwhat region
ZeroStarKaiI would gladly nuke you but I'm busy fighting for my genie's wish
dylancadenwho wants to battle me im bored
Killergunfuryyou made that?
DrazzyI suggest you pick a region with global PC for your first few
Zaxaronekiller did you se my finished golden rod city map
Lokyubshmmm Harsholme or Rica are kinda nice
Killergunfuryexcept easter
Killergunfuryall of them
Lokyubswhich ones you have left?
Killergunfurywhat region should i go to
GemWolfZi was just fightin that trainer
Killergunfuryhow u doing fishing
GemWolfZcool shinies
Killergunfuryhi GemWolfz
dylancadenu tryna 1v1
dylancadenand i have a magikarp that knows hyper beam
Zaxaronei have been asleepf or 9 hours
Zaxaroneim jus beina  stinker its fine
Killergunfuryhows the planning going?
dylancadendude idk i just started this game
Zaxaronerest of us had to grind
Zaxaronelol wow ez mode level 100
dylancadenmk thank you
TheNewKingBretlooking around*
TheNewKingBretkeep looking and your starter pokemon to progress
dylancadenmy friend gave it to me
dylancadenno all i have is a level 100 guards
TheNewKingBretdo you have a key yet?
dylancadenthank you
GemWolfZyoure doing great just keep looking around for puzzles to solve
dylancadenno what book
TheNewKingBretI dont really call. did you get the book yet?
dylancadenwhat's after setting the table
dylancadeni already have a full set of pokemon
dylancadeni did the thing where u settle table
TheNewKingBretget a second pokemon then go to the castle
dylancadeni just did the diner thing
dylancadenwhere do i start the story
TheNewKingBretit story heavy so do the story
dylancadenim new to this game how do i beat the manor
TheNewKingBretthat's not bad but still be safe!
samwichconlimonStill at work, it is a 5 minute drive Bret.
Lokyubsstay safe sam
TheNewKingBretstay safe getting home
samwichconlimonOnce I am home in about half an hour or so, I can talk better
ZeroStarKaiIt's gonna be funny if it turns out both routes lead to the ladder
samwichconlimonP sure it is ladder Kai
ZeroStarKaialright, back onto the pick a path
Lokyubsi think skill link still works with multi hts tho
Zaxaronei slept till 7:30 pm
Killergunfurygoodmorning afternoon evening night
jd_123_45I love this story
jd_123_45Bro I need sinnoh to be completed
Zaxaroneim awake....
✏mattgcni think for set hit moves that's how it works yeah
biologobugso double kick is 60 base power?
KillergunfuryPlaydoh has evolved people!
Lokyubsall multi hit moves dont hit multiple times but in one instance
✏mattgcnbut they all happen in one block
✏mattgcnit still calculates "number of hits" for damage
DiamondseekDoesn't work as intended
biologobugpin missile is not implemented, it means the move doenst qok as it should? or just hee animation?
TheNewKingBretI hope your day is well