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graymoonsummer island is the easiest place to get surf fast imo
samwichconlimonI could finish harsholme if I wanted. but I want rainbow leilyne
ngoomiecomedically i'm actually very close to finishing harsholme but not quite there yet
ZeroStarKaiyou just need to grab a Mon with surf from a region that can be beaten quickly
ngoomiethere's surf in harsholme too
AzTechdo i have to finish either summer island or kanto to get surf?
demonycnew king you gave up on gullutton?
ZeroStarKaiyeah their whole deal is they only vibe with the flowers
AzTechdzmn they they spawn in flowers? i was up all night looking at the tall grass
ZeroStarKaijust go do summer island or kanto
GemWolfZsummer island gives you a surfer :thumbsup:
ngoomiei haven't finished any regions yet lol
ngoomieorf pain
samwichconlimonngoomie, you can't. gotta be transfered in
GemWolfZi think they know that part
DiamondseekYou gotta bring surf from other regions
ZeroStarKai2. Flabebe literally spawn in flowers
graymoonyeah thats where they are
ngoomiewhere do i get surf anyways
ZeroStarKai1. yes you can surf across
ngoomieit's not that, i'm trying to find a white flabebe in rolling river and i was like "wtf does this guy mean i can find one in the flowers" cos the only flowers that look like they should behave like grass there are beyond the river
samwichconlimonI would cry
ZeroStarKaiI would cry
KillergunfuryKai wouldnt it be funny if i got another rainbow mon?
ZeroStarKai~~or dratini~~
ZeroStarKaiwhat were you expecting to FISH for the water mons?
ngoomiegoomy ok that explains a lot
samwichconlimonno darker. that would require rainbow leilyne
ZeroStarKaiif you have surf
ngoomiewait can you swim in the safari zone
Killergunfuryi got an aftermath paow
Killergunfurymy game decided to die
darkeryetdarkerwait... imagine a rainbow living dex of harsholm-
Killergunfuryits like a shiny shiny shiny Alro
&0verL0rdfor whoever that got an aftermath Paow, im sorry
ZeroStarKaihe has hit it twice
AlroIt's like a shiny but shinier
darkeryetdarkeri thought it was less wtf
graymoonwhats a rainbow shiny
Killergunfuryyet i hit it twice Kai....
ZeroStarKaipretty damn hard to hit that
ZeroStarKaiit's a 1/50k, as stated by jext
samwichconlimoncause only 4 times people have gone "omg rainbow shiny"
Killergunfuryweve been tracking the rainbows Diamond
jd_123_45wait only five in the game?
DiamondseekHow do we know it's only been 4?
darkeryetdarkerit would be better then a shiny [tbh the shiny looks kinda basic for a electric type]
KillergunfuryJD you really had us thinking the 5th rainbow was found
samwichconlimonc'mon, game, gimme a rainbow leilyne, it would be so funny
ZeroStarKaiI'm going to make an assassination team of 6 gardevoirs just for jd
darkeryetdarkerwatch as a random rainbow mon appears
DiamondseekPersonally, I'm still pogging
jd_123_45Bro the reaction you guys gave
ZeroStarKaiKill him
jd_123_45sun and rain
jd_123_45my house
ZeroStarKaiHOW THE wooper
ZeroStarKaievent outfit seller lady
ZeroStarKaiJext has changed locations again
TheNewKingBrethow many do you have to battle the same trainer?
ViralMagnumTyphloim feeling tired
ViralMagnumTyphloi gonna rest
Killergunfurymy arm feels like a dried peperoni stick
GemWolfZunfortunately skowl won't evolve till night but like. um. It'll be fine
GemWolfZim grinding my flying types on easter island chansey trainers
ViralMagnumTyphloall my rock typesare bulky or defense, and somehow they throw me a rock speciall atacker with energyball and water pulse
darkeryetdarkeri only did ghost bc i want to beat the rest in funny ways lmao
Killergunfurybug got like 7 omni boosts on me