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lierchuchesjust after beating it
Salthunter001you can transfer fakemon to kanto?
ILoveCrustlethe kanto e4 when i defeat them several times in a row with a level 85+ mewtwo just to level up some firework dragon
SirnefBasically, not worth the effort lmao
lierchuchesmore work to the porr jext
SohagNo still issue only big control issue
Salthunter001my karp is now blue
Zaxaroneyeah that sounds like a tech nightmare
Sirnef+The engine uses the database on sit, making an app means connecting to that database or updating the app to reflect it etc etc
Zaxaronei had no problem with the mobile skin
ILoveCrustlesounds like a skill issue
SohagHard to control it
Zaxaroneor play on a comp if you have  one
SohagI want an app file to play not in website xd
TyinykBeing browser-based also makes it more accessible.
Salthunter001just install it normally
lierchuchesand this is a beta
SirnefBecause it's a lot of effort to create an app when they already have a functioning web version
lierchucheswell a ursaring with 5 teddiuras still gen 2
Zaxaronethere is a mobile  version
Zaxaroneonly cuz  i alreayd said i would
SohagKinda hard to play in website lol. Why they don't make a app for this?
Salthunter001shiny level 100 slugma when
Zaxaronethe only secret mon i might  add thats not johto is a shiny l100 zorua
ILoveCrustlenew bark fields with kanto pokemon
lierchucheswith 5 teddiursa
lierchuchesor a buff ursaring
Salthunter001add secret mons like level 100 surf caterpie
SirnefTalk with the 4 assistants, then talk with the clown again
lierchuchesthats a good upgrade
demonyc2.9 gullttons
Zaxaronebut  yeah to say what i had in mind mons like houndour and murkrow etc will be availiblew ithin johto unlike the ogs
ElnavitochikoHow can I complete the tutorial?
lierchuchesfrom the snowi part
Salthunter001or Portugese?
imaBOXmines hoenn or paldea
lierchuchesalso im actually paldean so
Zaxaroneunova is a   close  second fav
Salthunter001alola unova tie for me actually
Zaxaronei was waiting forthat part
ILoveCrustleunova ftw
lierchuchesdespaite the bugs
lierchuchesmine is paldea
Salthunter001mine's alola
TyinykJohto's my favorite region...
Salthunter001like the legendary nacli
Zaxaroneits supposed ot be a counter  part to retro kanto
ILoveCrustlewe support you but for the love of god do not make johto worse
Salthunter001just add mons later simple
lierchuchesor just for that secret part
ILoveCrustledo NOT make johto worse than it is already
TyinykYour gen 2 thing?
Zaxaronethe only exceptions being mons that evolve like tangela and yanmega
ILoveCrustleplease do deviate
Zaxaroneim not gonna deviate from  my gen 2 thing tho
JesstroyerThe clown guy's mission?
lierchuchesif you made a secret place with special mons for supportrs
Zaxaronei promised yuki id add a shiny fox pokemon to it
SirnefFinish the tutorial
JesstroyerHow do I even get to safari zone the guy won't move
SirnefAnd draeguntale once you beat the lvl 50 trainer
Salthunter001can you add a shiny slugma named salt as a secret
SirnefAnd safari
SirnefIn the sewers jess
TyinykSafari Zone.
Zaxaronealso yeah im redesigning  certain maps.
SirnefSurf on gobblegannet rock
ILoveCrustledrown in the sewers
Salthunter001just walk
JesstroyerHey does anyone know where to catch Pokemon on HUB island?
lierchuchesjohto in design is the worts
Shrewstormin harshholme
Salthunter001first just make johto then add stuff when u have enough ratmotivation
ILoveCrustlewe definitely need to discuss that johto idea further
Shrewstormanyways where do i find the brother
Zaxaronethe safari from hgss will be back