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PSYKEYstrslayyy did I miss that when I made the account or will that come later
SirnefBasically yeah
PSYKEYstroh nice so you can change your character gender?
Salthunter001there are female characters
PSYKEYstrare all the characters male? all good if so just making sure I didn't miss something :D
Salthunter001always gonna take you down*
Zaxaroneeven better
Zaxaronethere we go ig
Killergunfurynever gonna give you up?
SirnefOnly one way to find out ig
Zaxaroneim curious to try it
Zaxaronedo spotify links have a thumbnail?
PSYKEYstrah that worked thank you!
NixcelpixDisconnecte like an creepypasta
Zaxaroneyeah r efresh new players are sometimes bugged
SirnefIt's been a glitch recently
PSYKEYstrope tyty
SirnefYou need to refresh psy
Zaxaronei also finished making goldenrod, its in the  discord
PSYKEYstrhii im new here. is there a reason I can't move hahaha
wheresandshrewSirnef always help! Sirnef cool!
NixcelpixWelcome back Zaxarone!
SirnefIf you're talking about the guy in the speedo, you have to go through Rica to get them I believe
wheresandshrewHello Zaxarone!
Zaxaroneim back from  the foods
wheresandshrewMaybe Master other?
wheresandshrewWater Master only fun Fishing Outfit no swimwear.
Killergunfurygo to the docks
Killergunfuryyeah they just got added
R04CHMaster trainer?
Killergunfuryi think you gotta beat the master trainer?
wheresandshrewMe am not known swimwear in HUB. Can find?
R04CHWhere can i get the swimwear in HUB?
Herii123The Easter Island is broken
Herii123Hi Killergunfury!
Killergunfurywheresandshrew im sorry
Killergunfuryoh hi Herii
Herii123Yeah and it creeps me out
Salthunter001your waddlecoems wheresandshrew
&0verL0rdthats weird
Herii123He won't let me through and won't fight me
wheresandshrewThank Salthunter001.
&0verL0rdjust fight the guy again
wheresandshrewReflect Light Screen no work now I'm think.
Herii123Uh guys what happened to Easter Island last time I could get to verdant garden now I can't?
YourFriendSantidoes reflect even work in this game?
Salthunter001sandshrew is eternal
Salthunter001it's fainted don't worry
wheresandshrewKill? No faint?
Killergunfuryit was owned by team rocket :(
Killergunfuryi had to kill sandshrew :(
wheresandshrewWhat is Killergunfury?
Killergunfurywhere sandshrew im sorry
StinkyGoldywhat is the reward for route 0?
StinkyGoldyyeah i know about that
&0verL0rdwait until you find out about route 0
StinkyGoldyfinally got mew, that puzzle with the jumping sucked
wheresandshrewSinnoh no Global PC?
KlefkaOnly up to the first gym and not much else
umbralultimatumis sinnoh finished
wheresandshrewThat cool.
KlefkaThat was set to it and all regional evos to prevent undesired evolutions
darkeryetdarkerwait i just noticed something funny on the rufflet page in pokeengine page it shows to get hesuian you need to get it to lvl 200 lmao
samwichconlimoncursed woods
PoepchineesHow to evole femurk?
&0verL0rdnot on mobile
archen11yeah just click on them on the map
peacewingcan you use fly to get to places yet?
NixcelpixWHAT!? Neopets!?
Killergunfuryhi Araima
SirnefYup, end of rica for now