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SirnefCaterpie/weedle is kinda region exclusive? Supposedly there's meant to be a 5% chance to encounter them in the other region, but I haven't heard someone actually find them lmao
TheLarviAnyone want to name the magikarp  i just bought?
Nixcelpix*NixcelPix stop working*
NixcelpixPichu, Marill, Hoothoot and...
SirnefPikachu yes definitely
TheLarviwhat are they
Nixcelpixbut is still a Shiny
Nixcelpixdoesn't count to the shinyleaderboard
TheLarvi4 free shinies in retro kanto?
SirnefIt's just there if something gets cleffaed up between adding stuff in the global pc
NixcelpixOh, yeah, the 4 free shinies in Retro Kanto
OparikonWas there a cartepie and pikachu in retro kanto? I keep getting weedle and kakuna
Sirnefthe mudkip
jimmyashleywhat is lost and found island?
Killergunfuryi got 6 shinies today ;-;
SirnefNo, hoard them forever
NixcelpixAll music works by soundcloud
Killergunfuryi have 11 rare candies should i use them
NixcelpixIs not finished Retro Hoenn qwq
TheLarviNot like your missing much tbh
TheLarviJust pull up G1 track on youtube if you need the kanto music
jimmyashleycool i wll play hoenn then :3
NixcelpixRetro Hoenn have music
jimmyashleydoes the other retro regions have music?
SirnefIf you want the reason, I heard there used to be, but then there were issues with how the music was played,so they just stopped
PrimalIt looks nice killer
wheresandshrewMe am hope music Retro Kanto come sometime.
SirnefThere is no overworld music in Kanto
Salthunter001Because it's OLD
KillergunfuryPrimal what do you think of my team?
jimmyashleythe background music is not there for retro kanto.. why
TheLarviSurf EQ rush then. Got it
wheresandshrewPrimal! Yay!
NixcelpixSurf, Earthquake works
PrimalI am still going for it
NixcelpixThey are AOE Moves
TheLarviI kinda want to hunt me a F caterpie
Killergunfuryonly 4 have been found man
jimmyashleyis the background music for retro kanto not added?
TheLarviSweet... The normal AOE moves aoe? Or they not implemented
KillergunfuryPrimal its 1/50,000
NixcelpixRetro Kanto
TheLarviRetro kanto?
wheresandshrewPrimal you can do it! Go go!
NixcelpixSinnoh, i guess caves? Harsholme Dark Grass
PrimalThey removed it?
Killergunfuryyou aint getting a rainbow Primal
NixcelpixKanto Any Routes, Retro Hoenn all can be Double
TheLarviIs there a way to check what has hordes?
Shokienoo lv 100 battles XD
PrimalI am going for golden/rainbow
NixcelpixPokemon Mansion doesnt have Hordes encounters
PrimalI already got a shiny one
ZaxaroneHe gives you an early masterball lol
TheLarvihoard hunts or?
Killergunfuryon like 6 encounters
Killergunfuryand i found it before you
ZaxaroneShokie therrs Npc you can talk to in there
wheresandshrewHello Primal!
Killergunfurywhat you hunting?
PrimalHeya :D
Killergunfuryoh hi Primal
ZaxaroneI know words yes
Sirnefbidoof no
wheresandshrewWow! Good Killergunfury!
Shokiewhat is this pallet field :o
PrimalCongratz killer
TheLarviGG Killer
Salthunter001wait can u swear?
NixcelpixCongrats Killer!
ZaxaroneNo fukin way