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TheLarviDid not know Starmie got hydro pump... Misty beat me
PG55beating Lance is easy
Killergunfuryi beat lance
SirnefIt balances itself by making it take 10 turns for you to thaw
SirnefDon't worry
ZeroStarKaiman I got dc'd
KillergunfuryMF THAW TURN 0
PG55can i use items outside of battles?}
Killergunfuryim fighting lance zigzag
TheLarviSince when did starmie get hydropump
PG55a tm*
Zigzalyou have the ice beam tm?
PG55ice beam is atm
Killergunfurymy lapras doesnt have an ice move....
XiterokYou're right
ZeroStarKai50 then 45s
PG5550 ish
XiterokWhat level do you think the count have?
Killergunfuryhis gyarados just spammed leer
TheLarviim going up to misty
TheLarviGl killler
PG55time to beat the distortion out of the Count
TheLarviBye wolf
Zigzalbye wolf
Killergunfurytime to beat lance
GemWolfZanyway time to hop off for a bit :thumbsup:
Zigzalhad to reload bc starmie OHKO'd moltres
GemWolfZwe need to go scrooge mcduck mode
ZeroStarKai"he'd pay" bro gives you 420 grand on defeat
XiterokI have 610k, I don't need money
GemWolfZalso maybe he'd pay idk
GemWolfZbecause the counts chillllll
XiterokMaybe to get a rarer mon?
PG55and why would you give it back?
GemWolfZcya sandshrew o/
Killergunfurywhy have you doubted me
Killergunfuryi have beaten Lorelei and bruno
wheresandshrewMe am take break.
XiterokIt told in the text "Do you want to give it back or to keep it?"
GemWolfZbecause we're chill now :thumbsup:
PG55why would you give Crystabrawl to the Count?
GemWolfZidk tho i havent tried it
ZeroStarKaithe factory's the left tower
wheresandshrewBattle Factory HUB!
GemWolfZjust fluff afaik
XiterokCan I give back Crystabrawl to the count or it was just fluff text?
Zigzalwhere is that again?
ZeroStarKaialright, back to the battle factory
Nixcelpixbye o/
NixcelpixAnd hope to see more Rainbows/Golden Shinies >.>
ZeroStarKaionly had one mission: don't die
ZeroStarKaiHonestly for the champion Blue fight I just didn't use any heals
wheresandshrewBye Nixcelpix! Have happy!
peacewingcya mate
TheLarvithanks for the help
NixcelpixGood luck everyone!
NixcelpixI will back in 2 - 3 hours
Zigzalcya nix
ZeroStarKaiSee ya, Nix
NixcelpixSee you later guys!
NixcelpixWell, need to go
Zigzalmy full restores kept freezing the game on the last blue fight
ZeroStarKaiwith the sheer amount of potions I had I didn't need stall moves
wheresandshrewGreat Ball comfy more Ultra Ball me am think.
Zigzalgoes great with toxic and moonlight
Zigzali use cosmic power + stored power clefable
ZeroStarKaicosmic Power is broken
ZeroStarKaiyou could also just use a clustar/astervoid
peacewinglegendaries be like that sometimes
XiterokI suggest you to level up a Minimize Grimer/Muk, mine at lv 40/42 soloed the baron
Zigzalwhy did none of my ultra balls work but the first great ball i try catches zapdos
Killergunfurymy lapras has water absorb and got healed by lorelei
PG55ill buy some stuff
PG55or maybe i need items
PG55thats what im doing