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peacewingso i can get multiple?
samwichconlimonthat should be where iirc
peacewingor is it jus the one
peacewingdo i get another one?
samwichconlimonever interacted with that rock
samwichconlimonremember where you fought the dimwraith lady?
peacewinghow do you get soil stones
KlefkaIs both starter and legendary (Same bst as landorus, heatran, etc)
ProfessorPmay as well be
ZeroStarKaiCadastrophe is tagged as a legendary?
ProfessorPimagine having a starter legendary
XiterokMore like Training Issue
legixtmSkill gap'd. Git gud.
PG55its tagged as legendary
PG55it is
ZeroStarKai2. Not a legendary
samwichconlimonsounds like a skill issue to me
PG55did Voltenstein just said that i have "skill issues" after beating me with a 20 levels higher legendary floating dog?
TheLarviKiller you still in kanto?
Icymosson pause I got to 1k and Ill start again tmorrow
Killergunfuryhows the brokenstein hunt going?
Icymoss^^ shiny hunting is fun now I can catch over mons as well lol
ViralMagnumTyphlothat's awesome moss!
Zigzalholy cow
ViralMagnumTyphlo**OH MAG GAD**
Icymossstrong Sandstrum
IcymossYOOOO 2 31 ivs in hp n speed and almost 31 in attack
AraimaNot much to say.  There's a method behind my madness
ViralMagnumTyphloi truly can't offer a solution either
ViralMagnumTyphloSorry to hear that
PG55i dont even know what i should say
Araimai've more or less given up in a lot of regards
Drakfixit's unethical to leave a patient like that
Drakfixyeah, if they can't handle the job their responsibility is to send you to a different therapist
PG55thats sad
ProfessorPGrind time
Araimaand the last therapist I had before that quit the practice and after a few months of her being gone became friends w/ me but the old practice threatened her and she broke contact
ViralMagnumTyphlothat's more normal than you think
PG55theyre paid to hear you
PG55thats also not normal
AraimaMy last therapist I had gave up on me
AraimaI've been seeking help for a LONG time
XiterokDid you consult someone?
Drakfixhave you considered psychological therapy?
Araimaof course it's not
PG55Araima thats not normal
PG55since then, all my dreams are good/mediocre
AraimaI've lived in a constant state of stress for...well I'm 33 now, and I beleive I started always feeling what could be considered stress ever since I was like, 13
PG55my last nightmare was in 2022
TheLarvimisty round 2. lets go
ZeroStarKaiIt might be stress
PG55maybe youre a bit stressed irl
ViralMagnumTyphloyeah i'm a bit stressed, have to do chores, wash dishes, dinner on time. normal stuff
NyraKyteGood rod on Secura
Araimausually my dreams have been nightmares that involve either me dying somehow or some other mental/physical trauma
XiterokMaybe seeing someone to understand those dreams? Maybe there is something that you feel isn't going right? Stressed?
ViralMagnumTyphloyeah, where rufflet? >w<
PG55you died in a Dream?
Araimait wasn't by choice
ZeroStarKaiIt's nice to not exist every now and again
ViralMagnumTyphloI'm a bit stressed
ViralMagnumTyphloand idk where to get a brave bird
ZeroStarKaiI've gotten used to dreams like that
PG55Typhlo are you ok?
Araimabut I know I was offed
Araimai don't know HOW
ViralMagnumTyphloI'm stressed, chores, and i'm being critizided (?) and i wanna complete cloudia and i'm not sure how long this region is, all i know is im doing gym leader tower and i'm to the part 5 i think
AraimaJust another dream where um, don't live?
PG55Araima you had a nightmare?
XiterokAraima, was it a Nuzlocke region?
ZeroStarKaigrinding bp in the factory
Zigzalcompleting the kanto dex
ViralMagnumTyphlotangent* i mean, "that problem thing"
Icymossim doing summer island ^^
Araimahad another nightmare..
samwichconlimonI am going insane. you?
ViralMagnumTyphlowith that tanget aside, how you guys fare?
PG55absolutely nothing
Icymossah yea he was 100% just trolling then best to ignore stupidity
✏skur ★PG, what are you trying to say
ViralMagnumTyphloi gonna lose my mind x'd