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april, Lady_Vengeance, tetrislicious, kyledove ★, antoniosafe, Fedions, VortexNail, Cullens, SanguineSol, envychimera, MZenos, Greywhoose, Unity, Jext ★, Droncar, Primal, Eldiar, SloppySlime, DakotaElectro, Jono1son, TGAnole55, ChaosCubed, Roderick, mattgcn, Bladeheart111x, nadan2460, samwichconlimon, Monry34, jeonefrost, Paperboy012305, SleebyEepy, WakoDoodle, DravynLeCrux, Ghailer, Bem, Fenrir2140, Iglu, MajiNVegeta, Herii123, AppleJuice, MonsieurElma, jonathan222222332, omega777, harlex, Schabik, Astroscopus, altosk, ProfessorP, FireRaptor999, Elehin, Silkeregn, taerrible, Ryder, atlasrune, Alex_gameYTB, Mowgli23
MaryAmarysyeah what channel
Silkeregnin the discord
MaryAmarysadmin help even
MaryAmaryswhere do i go for mod help
atlasruneI'm about halfway through the gyms.
atlasruneNah, not yet.
LightDiablohave u got global atlas?
atlasruneThank you!
XiterokGood night
atlasruneSouth gate
Silkeregncya Elma
LightDiablowhich part
MonsieurElmawell eveyone i am going to sleep
SilkeregnNix wanna join me to find a golden goomy?
atlasruneI'm in viridian forest right now.
MaryAmaryssave me mods, save me
ColosoalBut it only tracks the mons in the main area
LightDiablowhere u at?
mapleaudinothis yolken is still stuck in my pc unable to be released
atlasruneNice! Where do you want to meet?
ColosoalSo if you go to safari zone you would think it has all the mons
LightDiabloI have a caterpie
SilkeregnCongrats on the greedent Nix
ColosoalAnyway I think I found a bug for the safari zone on main site
Nixcelpix ★The buried alive defeat me
MaryAmarysoh mods, please save me from my mistake
LightDiablocoming in lightspeeed
Silkeregnwb Nix
LightDiabloI have caterpie
atlasruneAnyone willing to trade me a caterpie for my weedle in retro kanto?
ColosoalMust be a rica update or something
Silkeregnnot yet Colosoal
Silkeregnjust ask them for help
Silkeregnthere's a couple of mods on rn
ColosoalIs tt and ff out I had to wait a while for a update for pokengine?
LightDiabloye forgot to use EV candy
MaryAmarysi made an oopsie
ColosoalMost likely in the index underground
ColosoalMeltan is only aviable in cv so
MaryAmaryswhere you catch meltan
jetigigMary, you should ping a mod on Discord to get help
LightDiablowhat region?
MaryAmarysin a cave
ColosoalRight D:
Silkeregnthen ask for help in the discord
LightDiablodo u have a fly Mon?
ColosoalGlad their aren’t fakemon trade evos right?
LightDiablono she means the wrong one
MaryAmarysi am trapped
MaryAmarysi am not stuck
SilkeregnMary try /unstuck
MaryAmarysthis is awkward
MaryAmarysyeah i'm stuck
pkmntrainerwillumanyone wanna help me turn my phantump into a trevenant
MaryAmarysi accidentally boxed my surf mon after catching meltan
ColosoalAlso someone needs to get blue help I think he has memory loss
Silkeregntry /unstuck'
MaryAmarysi think i have trapped myselfd
SilkeregnIt's easier to hold a conversation this way
ColosoalAfter all I plan to beat the burmy out of blue
SilkeregnI prefer a quiet chat over nonsense being spammed
XiterokWelcome to the club
LightDiablolike u want it for Dex colo?
ColosoalI’m good
LightDiabloneed it for Dex?
LightDiabloI got a porygon now
LightDiablohey colo
ColosoalIs it still quite as usual :/
LightDiablomine ain't shiny
Silkeregnlook in overworld