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Killergunfurycertain route have em
TheLarviis it just rng?
TheLarviWhats best way to trigger a hoard?
Nixcelpixi got disconnected
samwichconlimonI am on that trash hunt mentality
Xiterok2600 Mightiro and not a Shiny of any species
samwichconlimonthose are irrelevant. only shiny leilyne matters
Killergunfuryman at least youve found golden shinies
TheNewKingBreti ready lost mine
samwichconlimonI am losing my mine
Killergunfuryyou got this samwich!
samwichconlimon7,481 total encounters. only 151 leilyne. I need the shiny luck
TheNewKingBret8000 is today goal
DaltonisI'm at 5606
TheNewKingBretat 5.3 now lol
TheNewKingBrethello daltonis!
TheLarviAh :( honey then? or is there a diff way to trigger them
TheNewKingBretthe three of us!
samwichconlimonsweet scent doesn't work
TheNewKingBretdemonyc did you find it?
TheLarvisweet scent for hoard?
Killergunfuryhorde encounters
Pokebiosummer island is my fav
TheLarviI should probably go to kanto actually if thats around. try get me a shiny F caterpie. On a side note, whats best hunting method. Just rando encounters/
TheNewKingBrethello KingTapor
NixcelpixOh, true, Hello KingTapir too!
samwichconlimonlosing hope
TheLarviHi Nix
TheLarviIll brain make short story sound good
NixcelpixHow are ya?
Killergunfuryi feel betrayed
KillergunfuryLarvi picked Summer island
TheNewKingBretreally not yet tho
TheNewKingBreti would have to catch it
TheNewKingBretforget i would to catch it
samwichconlimonI mean, I can check your profile and find out
XiterokAnd gives surf for Hub and other post-game regions
TheNewKingBreti didnt lol
samwichconlimonno shot. you got it?
TheNewKingBretyoooooooo let gooooooo
Killergunfuryit has an amazing story
XiterokSummer Island is short
Killergunfurygo to Harsholme!
XiterokIt depends
samwichconlimonwherver you want
ProfessorPlong cat
TheLarviWhats a good first reigon
XiterokEastern Island or somewhere else?
Killergunfurycongrats on the rat Shokie
peacewingthe grind is real
Killergunfuryahhh Shokie is online
AlexyPlaysPikahow do people level up their pokemon so fast
demonyche found 2 of the 4 rainbows
Killergunfuryi can but i dont wanna
demonycyou can say it killer
samwichconlimonI am focusing on rainbow leilyne. it would be so pretty
Killergunfury2 rats a grimer and a balanoral
demonycand there are silver caps already but they dont work
demonycthey are planned tho
TheLarviSo just 4 mons with a rainbow.. or like 4 found so far
peacewinggosh dangit
demonyci dont think so
Killergunfuryonly 4 rainbows exist Larvi so gl finding one
peacewingis there a way to boost ivs yet?
TheNewKingBretI keep facing this beast, yet nothing changes. Still, I look for hope in the endless abyss.
Killergunfurynormals are 1/1,000 goldens are 1/10,000 rainbows are 1/50,000
TheLarvigot dc/d - how do hunts work? Thanks for the info :)
Killergunfurynormals are 1/1,000 goldens are 1/10,000 rainbows are 1/50,000
samwichconlimonover 7000 total encounters. no shiny leilyne...
TheLarvihows that work in this? Im new lol
TheLarvishiny hunying?
demonyci just reached 1k earlier