ZenFishy reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 49
Seen: 67
Old_man_baltoy reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 40
Seen: 67
MonsieurElma reached the Hall of Fame 3w ago.
Caught: 50
Seen: 69
Anycade1 reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 68
Seen: 71
NightTrapGX reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 49
Seen: 70
Animesio reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 19
Seen: 67
Loonatrick reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 37
Seen: 69
Ninjaziz reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 28
Seen: 67
Trex reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 42
Seen: 69
Quinnvy reached the Hall of Fame 4w ago.
Caught: 34
Seen: 66