BaskOfSoftKitty reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 48
Seen: 72
Ophelia reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 50
Seen: 74
Komatsu reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 54
Seen: 84
RenegadeRen reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 30
Seen: 63
heijmans66 reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 37
Seen: 76
AlphaZeed reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 56
Seen: 81
MinisterAndy1 reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 34
Seen: 75
Torva_Messor reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 32
Seen: 80
Foste reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 65
Seen: 81
lafish reached the Hall of Fame 2w ago.
Caught: 21
Seen: 75