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BuddydexxJust curious
BuddydexxQuestion, is the Amutt you receive randomized or is it always the same one?
LucasoliverPpl, i need to evolve 3 campellas, is someone free to help me? I'm in harsholme in the chalkers place, hollows
BuddydexxDoctor Who jumpscare
BuddydexxThe whiplash I got seeing Exverminate
Rosiarchsorry about spamming the chat everyone, theory time is over now though so no more spam
Rosiarchguess thats one way to end boredom
Rosiarchoop well
ColosoalWell I’m bored now
Rosiarchshe works for nintendo
Rosiarchthats not what my dad's uncle's sister said
ColosoalAnd once it became popular they used it more
ColosoalPropbaly a game freak joke
ColosoalEh the trucks just their for kicks and giggles
Rosiarchexcept the truck still
ColosoalNo more gen 1 to gen 2 oddities
Rosiarchwe solved pokemon
ColosoalAlright we’ve done it
ColosoalThey got jobs to do they got no time to just sit in one place
ColosoalThe kanto birds have always been migrating
Rosiarchi didnd even think of that
Rosiarchoh that makes a lot of sense
ColosoalPokémon village
ColosoalAnd what location is right next to the unknownk dungeon?
Rosiarchor maybe mewtwo kates the french and wants to cause them misery?
ColosoalMewtwo is shown to love to take care of abandoned mons and any Mon in general in the anime
Rosiarchmewtwo is french!
ColosoalI might have 1 idea
Rosiarchbut why kalos?
ColosoalAnd now vibes in the unknown dungeon
ColosoalMoved to kalos
ColosoalSo this means mewtwo
ColosoalTheir is only 1 single location that isn’t cerulean cave (that isn’t full of legends due to shenigans) where mewtwo can be found
ColosoalIt’s actually really simple
ColosoalFor mewtwo tho
Rosiarchi agree
ColosoalSo it makes sense for them to Migrate their after the locations were destroyed
ColosoalAnd the closet region would be johto
ColosoalThis then causes the mons to move elsewhere
ColosoalPower plant, cinnibar mansion, cerulean cave
ColosoalAlso a lot of red/blue locations were destroyed in the crossing between gen 1 and gen 2
Rosiarchi swear guys my uncle who works at nintendo said if you spell out luigi in binary inputs by moving left and right and then spin in a circle 152 times mew will come out from under the truck