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Primaldo we really feel like unlocking safari areas is unfun?
AminyWith like rattata and spinarak in it
AminyWe could have a mini area of grassland
MonsieurElmalike really small
MonsieurElmalet's make a 7th smaller one
Shengian_SpidopsHe pulls a jeep out of his ass and gives it to us??
ColosoalBut which of the 6 zones would be tutorial area?
MonsieurElmathen gives us the jeep
MonsieurElmahe takes us to like a tutorial area
Shengian_Spidopsi accidentally refreshed i think-
ColosoalMaybe tarzan proffer just flat out gives us a jeep
ColosoalIt’s so… EMO
MonsieurElmabut do we want the player to have access to every zone at the start or do we have to unlock them ? which would take out some fun
ColosoalThe way he drinks the tea
Alex_gameYTBI wish you a good evening
Primalbut I'm interested in your ideas
MonsieurElmanot bad colo