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ColosoalI think snivy fits best for savannah because well
ColosoalGood night, let the hypnos bite
MonsieurElmawell imma go to sleep now, bye bye
AminyI feel like we could easily slot either turtwig or snivy as the starter in the savana
MonsieurElmaid like the evil leader to want to catch the legendaries but not for power, but just to sell them to other evil teams for money
ColosoalAlso a poaching team deducted to killing mons for valuable parts
AminyEvil team of poachers
ColosoalThe Orginal starter trio idea was fuecoco, tododile, and bulbasaur
MonsieurElmawild spawns
Primalwho do we have to fight?
Primalquestion: if safaria is just big safari, why do we need starters
MonsieurElmato have some safari theming
ColosoalKinda gives down the hype..
MonsieurElmaor zeblitz
MonsieurElmalike ponya, girafarig and ryhorn
MonsieurElmathe starters are regular ass pokemons
ColosoalOnly areas that don’t got a starter is savannah, pryamid, and mountain
ColosoalTechnically they were buyable only but sounds reasonable
MonsieurElmajust like scarflet and violet
MonsieurElmaand be rare
MonsieurElmajust make them spawn in the wild
ColosoalAnd not starters here
ColosoalBut only given starter status because they were in other games staryers
MonsieurElmajust super rare
MonsieurElmajust as wild spawns
ColosoalBut not starters
SilkeregnIs rocky helmet in hub? and does it work
ColosoalSo another starter trio?
MonsieurElmalike cindaquill in the mountain
flamebbyhey guys I just beat the light house dude on harsholme and stuck what do I do next?
MonsieurElmayou know what ? lets make other starter mons available but super duper rare
MonsieurElmaye sound bat is in
MaryAmarysend my suffering
ColosoalSo noibat it is along with gable :D
MaryAmarysi am almost done doing battle factory
Shengian_SpidopsIs it a legendary bug fakemon??
AminyI agree with noibat
Shengian_Spidops(Im not thinking of spidops)
Silkeregnbut shiny garchomp is.. you know
Shengian_SpidopsIs that certain bug uhh
Silkeregncause shiny gible is so cool
ColosoalA “certain bug”
SilkeregnI am considering not evolving this gible
ColosoalYeah but it was uh
AminySo I think we might
AminyI think someone mentioned larvitar earlier
MonsieurElmai also suggested noibat
SilkeregnTy primal
ColosoalWe don’t have a pseudo so
ColosoalYknow what it sounds like a good idea
Shengian_Spidopsam remaking my team rn
PrimalI'd say thats pretty good
AminyOh, I know we’re kinda past mons but can we put gible into the mountains just to have some more variety there?
Silkeregn348 gibles encountered
ColosoalAnd the safari mechanic is still in place
Silkeregnlet me check
MonsieurElmalike a garden size safari
Shengian_SpidopsSo why not call it that??
Primalhow many encounters?
Primalcongratz silk!
MonsieurElmabecause it is less of a garden and more of a sanctuary
ColosoalThe rest areas would be the hubs for the zones
SilkeregnShiny Gible finally
ColosoalWait this is starting to tie together to actual safari zones
Shengian_SpidopsWhy is garden in quotations
ColosoalIt’s going to level scale so
MonsieurElmalike we have our starting town, his lab, and his "garden" would be the first area
Primaldo we really feel like unlocking safari areas is unfun?
AminyWith like rattata and spinarak in it
AminyWe could have a mini area of grassland
MonsieurElmalike really small
MonsieurElmalet's make a 7th smaller one
Shengian_SpidopsHe pulls a jeep out of his ass and gives it to us??
ColosoalBut which of the 6 zones would be tutorial area?
MonsieurElmathen gives us the jeep
MonsieurElmahe takes us to like a tutorial area
Shengian_Spidopsi accidentally refreshed i think-
ColosoalMaybe tarzan proffer just flat out gives us a jeep
ColosoalIt’s so… EMO
MonsieurElmabut do we want the player to have access to every zone at the start or do we have to unlock them ? which would take out some fun
ColosoalThe way he drinks the tea
Alex_gameYTBI wish you a good evening
Primalbut I'm interested in your ideas
MonsieurElmanot bad colo