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Gubbletdo bottle caps exist to make ivs better i assume so but it doesnt hurt to ask
JadeAmuletoh right
ColosoalDid teh clock restart and the game sees it as a new day?
ColosoalAnyway back to crying cause I can’t get mudkip from battle bastion
ColosoalAlso if your wondering why whud only has 11  jade, people owned it goes by if you have it not if you HAD it
ColosoalAnd borovia is the only one to give a reward for finishing a dex so
ColosoalOther are restricted to be not being finished or stuff I said before
ColosoalOnly ones that are able to be finished is all the event regions, harsholme, and cloudia
ColosoalSome mons have broken evos while others don’t have the item avaible
JadeAmuletthank you :)
ColosoalHub, cv, rica, all tha stuff
ColosoalAnd by some I mean most