#302 | | | Rock Gem (063k44z9) | Hold Items | A gem with an essence of rock. When held, it strengthens the power of a Rock-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#303 | | | Steel Gem (06r612px) | Hold Items | A gem with an essence of steel. When held, it strengthens the power of a Steel-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#304 | | | Fighting Gem (06dtwip1) | Hold Items | A gem with an essence of combat. When held, it strengthens the power of a Fighting-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#305 | | | Psychic Gem (06fdmfc7) | Hold Items | A gem with an essence of the mind. When held, it strengthens the power of a Psychic-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#306 | | | Dark Gem (0638jouh) | Hold Items | A gem with an essence of darkness. When held, it strengthens the power of a Dark-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#307 | | | Ghost Gem (06j5lc7i) | Hold Items | A gem with a spectral essence. When held, it strengthens the power of a Ghost-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#308 | | | Poison Gem (06idj10b) | Hold Items | A gem with an essence of poison. When held, it strengthens the power of a Poison-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#309 | | | Bug Gem (06mzvh14) | Hold Items | A gem with an insect-like essence. When held, it strengthens the power of a Bug-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#310 | | | Dragon Gem (06hp73qo) | Hold Items | A gem with a draconic essence. When held, it strengthens the power of a Dragon-type move only once. | RegionUnova |
#311 | | | Fairy Gem (06zumnso) | Hold Items | A gem with an essence of the fey. When held, it strengthens the power of a Fairy-type move one time. | RegionKalos |
#312 | ✓ | | Old Rod (06xh999l) | Key Items | An old and beat-up fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokémon. | RegionKanto |
#313 | ✓ | | Good Rod (063t047y) | Key Items | A new, good-quality fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokémon. | RegionKanto |
#314 | ✓ | | Super Rod (06xsc62f) | Key Items | An awesome, high-tech fishing rod. Use it by any body of water to fish for wild aquatic Pokémon. | RegionKanto |
#315 | | | Oval Charm (06vf1g6p) | Key Items | An oval charm said to increase the chance of Pokémon Eggs being found at the Day Care. | RegionUnova |
#316 | | | Shiny Charm (06z3m445) | Key Items | A shiny charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon in the wild. | RegionUnova |
#317 | | | Catching Charm (06kihi3o) | Key Items | Holding it is said to increase the chance of getting a critical catch. Curiously, the charm doesn't shake much. | RegionGalar |
#318 | | | Exp. Charm (06x14ydn) | Key Items | A charm that increases the Exp. Points that Pokémon can get. A machine-like object is inside the charm. | RegionGalar |
#319 | | | Great Charm (0696in5m) | Key Items | An odd-shaped charm said to increase the chance of Pokémon having standout battle potential. | RegionHUB |