Okeno Collection (10h1yde3)
More in this Collection: Mons (201)Moves (590)Abilities (234)
The Okeno Collection was created by Marshlands 10y ago, and was last updated 2w ago.
A total of 1,677 Mons have been favorited, of which 143 are unique, by 206 different users.
All media (sprites, cries etc) was made by myself (Marshlands), unless specified otherwise in the imagery credits.

pastel de vento - flying
açaí bowl - poison
rapadura - steel
pão de queijo - rock
farofa - ground
acarajé - dragon
bolinho de chuva - water
pirulitão - psychic
coxinha - fire
pamonha - bug
tapioca - normal
café preto - dark
brigadeiro - grass
energy soda - electric
caipirinha - ice
churrasquinho - fighting
feijoada - ghost
algodão doce - fairy
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