Search ResultsItems tagged as 'toy'.
Fluffy Tail (06orxp6y)


An item that attracts the attention of a Pokémon. It guarantees escape from any battle with wild Pokémon.RegionHoenn
Poké Doll (06wv2ql3)


A doll that attracts the attention of a Pokémon. It guarantees escape from any battle with wild Pokémon.RegionKanto
Poké Toy (06vqx5yo)


A toy that attracts the attention of a Pokémon. It guarantees escape from any battle with a wild Pokémon.RegionUnova
Pokéshi Doll (06x0ncns)


A wooden toy carved in the image of a Pokémon. It can be sold to the general store.RegionHisui