Tandor (03hyuuy9)
Custom MonsYes
StatusIn Progress
A region which debuted in Pokémon Uranium, Tandor is a diverse region that is known for being the home of many Nuclear-type Pokémon. The region is split into two halves: the continental West Tandor and the island archipelago of East Tandor. Trainers undertaking the Tandor Gym Challenge will eventually find themselves at the Tandor Championship held at the peak of Mt. Actinite. Other notable landmarks include: the Baykal Rainforest, which covers the center of West Tandor in ever-present rain and shade; Bealbeach City, a cosmopolitan hub as well as the headquarters for Tandor's Pokémon Rangers; and Venesi City, an old-fashioned city in East Tandor where canals take the place of roads. 200 unique species of Pokémon make their home in Tandor.
This Region has been assigned to this Collection: Tandor.