Pabol reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1w ago.
Caught: 55
Seen: 76
Roksal reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1w ago.
Caught: 67
Seen: 84
Fuzz reached the Hall of Fame in Retro Kanto 1w ago.
Caught: 64
Seen: 136
luisinho7 reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1w ago.
Caught: 60
Seen: 78
mask2304 reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1w ago.
Caught: 15
Seen: 72
UnknownMongrel reached the Hall of Fame in Easter Island 1w ago.
Caught: 49
Seen: 78
scarl reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1w ago.
Caught: 65
Seen: 76
Pidgeotto reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1w ago.
Caught: 58
Seen: 78
Rattailzz reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1w ago.
Caught: 63
Seen: 78
randomguy333 reached the Hall of Fame in Borovia 1w ago.
Caught: 59
Seen: 79