Search ResultsAbilities that belong to the Public Region.
Atomizate (0563ej7d)Normal-type moves become Nuclear-type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.
Crystallize (05ow27pj)Normal-type moves become Rock-type moves. The power of those moves is boosted a little.
Diamond Skin (054l9kio)Protects the Pokémon from slicing moves.
Disenchant (05rt7f2t)The Pokémon is warded to receive full immunity to all Fairy-type moves.
Embody Aspect (05of5mbb)The Pokémon's heart fills with memories, causing its Mask to shine and one of the Pokémon's stats to be boosted.
High Proof (05wmkm7a)Targets that would become poisoned by this Pokémon's attack move effects become badly poisoned instead.
Lead Skin (05xgd5b7)With its lead skin, the Pokémon receives full immunity to all Nuclear-type moves.
Micro Vector (05c1vnnm)When this Pokémon uses a Bug type move, its power is increased. Attacks have a chance to Poison the target.
Obsidian Body (05ce5z3w)The Pokémon's obsidian body damages the target slightly when its attacks make direct contact.
Poison Puppeteer (05i2ugnq)Pokémon poisoned by Pecharunt's moves will also become confused.
Power Thief (05577mou)Stat-lowering effects that the Pokémon inflicts raise its own stats.
Quick Charge (05c7b7iv)Gives priority to the Pokémon's first move each time the Pokémon enters battle.
Rebuild (05n8p5oq)If it hasn't taken damage in a turn, it will restore a little HP.
Rugged Armor (05cwllmm)Halves recoil damage and the damage taken from moves that make direct contact, but halves the Pokémon's Speed.
Serene Veil (05132z75)Protects the Pokémon and its ally from the additional effects of attacks taken.
Sharp Coral (05fjmaa4)Its sharpened body doubles its attacking power, but leaves it vulnerable.
Sleight of Hand (05373bfu)If the Pokémon uses a move that swaps or takes away a held item, it can use it even if the target protects itself.
Superposition (056vc5ev)At the end of your turn, this Pokemon teleports back to your party.
Terra Firma (05gl193o)Extends the duration of terrains created by the Pokémon or its ally.