Search ResultsAbilities that belong to the Novrai Region.
Arcane Overload (05lp0vud)Boosts the Pokémon's most proficient stat every time it's hit with a move that matches its own type.
False Fire (05tyrl4m)The Pokémon takes direct damage as if it was Fire-type.
False Flier (05vo44b8)The Pokémon takes direct damage as if it was Flying-type.
Green Thumb (05glswnw)Draws in all Grass-type moves. Instead of being hit by Grass-type moves, it boosts its Sp. Atk.
Lunar Phase (05jgzuqt)The Pokémon changes form, depending on how much HP it has left.
Nurturer (056ubc58)Cures an incoming ally's status when switching out.
Parasitic (05j7sutr)Steals the stat boosts of a target when the Pokémon makes contact.
Pathogenic (05311f6w)Contact with the Pokémon changes the attacker's Ability to Pathogenic. Pokémon with this Ability that are not Poison-type are hurt a little each turn.
Plot Twist (05vgg516)If hit by a Fairy-type move, the Pokémon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.
Reality Warp (05fpavi4)Inverts type matchups of incoming attacks.
Traffic Jam (05oqtdz6)While the Pokémon is in the battle, other Pokémon entering the battle have their Speed stats lowered.