Search ResultsAbilities tagged as 'terrain setting'.
Electric Surge (05h7u2iq)Turns the ground into Electric Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
Filthy Surge (05p5m9y5)Turns the ground into Filthy Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
Grassy Surge (05xp8c7j)Turns the ground into Grassy Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
Misty Surge (05bnqzh6)Turns the ground into Misty Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
Psychic Surge (05fhlcik)Turns the ground into Psychic Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
Sinister Surge (05i4g5ur)Turns the ground into Sinister Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.
Swarming Surge (05d3sydv)Turns the ground into Swarming Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.