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Ideas for new penguin fakemon <(")
PlayerJoined 5y ago

Here are some ideas of mine for some new fakemon based on penguins <("):

Ice/Water type Gentoo Penguin that has goggles over its eyes that evolves into a scuba diver-like penguin named Scoobatoo

Ice/Fighting type Chinstrap Penguin that wears a slightly oversized helmet made of ice that throws snowballs, it evolves into a football player with shoulder pads made of ice along with a helmet made of ice that mainly attacks by throwing football-shaped ice and by tackling its opponent named Quackerback

Ice/Fairy type Fairy Blue Penguin that is magical and flies around with two pairs of butterfly-like wings it creates from ice (Similar to Aquamarine from Steven Universe) that casts spells with a broken-off icicle for a magic wand

Ice/Electric type Yellow-Eyed Penguin named Zappen that is streamlined

Ice/Fire type Rockhopper Penguin named Hothopper with a fiery crest that jumps around rather than waddling that evolves into a Macaroni Penguin named Macaroasti

Ice/Dark type Adelie Penguin named Adelony that steals from other pokemon

Water/Ice type African Penguin that has markings on its belly that resembles a constellation. It has twelve forms based on the Zodiac. The form that appears in the wild depends on the trainer's star sign.

New moves / abilities
PlayerJoined 5y ago

Ability: Eccentric

Description: Increases all of the user's stats if it is fighting an opponent with a unique type combination
New types.
PlayerJoined 5y ago

What about a Chemical type?

It is supereffective against Psychic-, Bug-, Grass-, and Poison-types
It is weak against Water-, Ground-, Fairy-, and Steel-types
A couple of ideas for new types pokemon and new moves
PlayerJoined 5y ago

How about a Water/Fire type chicken Pokemon that is a visual pun of "Mad as a wet hen". It would be mostly red with blue tips at the end of its feathers and have a grumpy expression.

Its movepool would consist of:

Stomping Tantrum
Burn Up
Work Up
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
3y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed the shiny editor. Added a new tool to make sprites transparent. Added a tool to preview animated PNG strips. Added categories to the MMO media page. Added &giveaway and &status. Added a move animator. Added a move effect system.Edited 3y ago by Jext ★.
Corrupted Wish
PlayerJoined 4y ago
Granted, but the only obtainable Pokemon is Pikachu

I wish for more Megas
Corrupted Wish
3y ago
PlayerJoined 6y ago
Granted, but it's only for gen 1 mons

I wish for gen 9 games to be as good as BW
Corrupted Wish
PlayerJoined 4y ago
wish Granted but no new Z-moves, megas, or gigantimax.

I wish someone leaked DPPT remakes
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
3y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Rewrote the ally system so it now replaces the last Mon, and you can have a custom order instead of party order. Added a double battle checkbox to the move animator.Edited 3y ago by Jext ★.
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
3y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Fixed a bunch of battle bugs.
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
3y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added "b" to the path system. Added if type.Edited 3y ago by Jext ★.
Corrupted Wish
PlayerJoined 4y ago
Wish granted, but everything shown in the leak ended up scrapped.

I wish Gen 9 would come with 150+ new Pokémon
Corrupted Wish
3y ago
PlayerJoined 6y ago
Wish granted, but they're all Charizard with different colors

I wish for the next Pokémon games to not cost a kidney
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
3y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Private Dexes will no longer appear in the Who's That Fakemon mini game.
Corrupted Wish
PlayerJoined 4y ago
Wish granted, but the games will not have a national dex either and will sell it to you as dlc that costs more than the game itself.

I wish Ash could get back his Pidgeot.
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
3y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Coded healing moves.
Count to 10,000
PlayerJoined 5y ago
One word story
PlayerJoined 5y ago
Corrupted Wish
PlayerJoined 5y ago
WISH GRANTED: It is unconfirmed so far if ash will get pidgeot back.

I wish that i want to learn how to sprite
Pokemon Names
PlayerJoined 5y ago
So here is how this game will work. First you have to think of the pokemon name that starts with the last letter of the previous pkmn (I.e. Pikachu, then Umbreon, then Numel, then Ledian, it goes on..)

I will start with Hoppip...Edited 3y ago by TheOneAndOnlyMikey.