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Pokemon Location
4y ago
PlayerJoined 4y ago
Count to 10,000
4y ago
PlayerJoined 4y ago
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
4y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
You can no longer evolve eggs. It will no longer say the name of an egg Pokémon when you try to swap it from your party. Added 21 new evolution methods. The Pokédex data of a hatched egg will now save.
Count to 10,000
4y ago
PlayerJoined 7y ago
Before asking, please read: Beta Testing Questions.
4y ago
PlayerJoined 4y ago
.Edited 4y ago by Kintheman.
Count to 10,000
PlayerJoined 4y ago
Count to 10,000
Jext ★
4y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Mecua Region
PlayerJoined 5y ago
Mecua Region is based on The United States of America and Canada

Usrabush - Cub Pokemon
Kindling - Chick Pokemon
Snorkotl - Snorkel Pokemon

Coming Soon!
Count to 10,000
PlayerJoined 4y ago
Corrupted Wish
PlayerJoined 4y ago
Granted but the any ore you mine will turn into 5 Creepers

I wish that I had a shiny Pokemon
Guide to Easter Island
4y ago
AdministratorJoined 11y ago
Here is a guide for Easter Island, the spring 2020 event hosted on Pokengine!
Corrupted Wish
Chat-moderating GuideJoined 7y ago
Granted, but softpillars gonna come and give you lots of love.

I wish that I can eat everything and not being picky in some food.
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
4y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Made it so evolutions and eggs count as obtained on the Pokédex pages. Added a loop argument to grass(). Added splash(). Added a capture animation to the battle system. Added cherry blossom weather. Added an option to clone maps in the Mapbuilder. Added an animation when NPCs request a battle. The player faces NPCs when they request battles now. Added new intro animations to the battle system. The game saves the state of the onlinelist. Added a guide widget. You can no longer talk to surf objects from the side. Surf objects can make you jump further now. Made it so &mon and starters can be shiny.Edited 4y ago by Jext ★.
Count to 10,000
Jext ★
4y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Pokéngine vs. Pokémon Essentials for RMXP
4y ago
ModeratorJoined 11y ago
If you're considering making a Pokémon Fan Game, one of the very first considerations is which engine you will use to build it. Other than Rom Hacks, Pokémon Essentials for RPGMaker XP is one of the most widely used tools to build fully playable fan-made Pokémon games. While Pokéngine and Essentials share many features in common, there are some distinct differences that should be considered strongly when deciding how to make your game.
I’ve worked fairly extensively in both Pokengine and Pokemon Essentials so I think I can offer a thorough and unbiased perspective on both engines. This is a rough summary of my thoughts on the pros and cons of each.

Pokémon Essentials
There’s a reason Pokémon Essentials is so popular. It’s affordable, accessible, and feature-complete. There’s very little you can do in a main-series Pokemon game that you can’t do in Essentials. The battle system is fully functional, as are the menus, items, overworld, etc. The kit itself also serves as a great tutorial to learn how to use its features, and there are some pretty extensive tutorials online including a full, searchable wiki.

The flaws of Pokémon Essentials boil down to the fact that it relies on RPG Maker XP, which is outmoded, slow, and incompatible with many major platforms nowadays, including Macs (absent something like Wine). It’s also desktop-only and lacks online multiplayer functionality. It does receive periodic updates and new features from its developers. However, other than upgrading to a newer version of RPGMaker, the flaws are inherent in its software.

Pokéngine is in many ways everything that Essentials is not. It’s lightweight, fast, multiplayer, runs in browser and on mobile, and is still being updated. The interface is smooth, sleek, and fairly intuitive to navigate. Everything, from building a new Pokemon, creating maps, inserting tiles and sprites, and testing your game is done in-browser. Pokengine also has an active community that will eagerly embrace any new games or regions you create, as soon as they are made live.

However, for all the pros of Pokengine, it lacks some pretty major features, like full battle functionality (move effects, abilities and such). For a MMO, the player-to-player interactivity is limited since there’s no trading or pvp or in-game economy to speak of. The interfaces are less customizable than they are in Pokemon Essentials - all regions use roughly the same pixel art style. There are also server-side bugs which are outside the ability of a region maker to fix, requiring Jext, the admin of the server to do so.

In terms of ease of use, I find Pokengine’s Tilefuser and Mapbuilder to be about the same as RMXP, with both requiring some time to learn the eventing language but not too onerous. However, Pokengine’s tools are not as well-documented as Essentials, and the tutorials are less easily searchable. An on-site wiki or tutorials section would go a long way towards making the creation tools more accessible to the average user.

I think the main reason that far fewer people use Pokéngine is that you have to manually receive permission to use its dev tools. This limits the average person’s ability to pick it up and start learning (even though the tools themselves are free to use.) If it were more feature-complete, and it was easier to access its dev tools, I’d 100% recommend Pokéngine over Essentials every time.Edited 4y ago by Twitch.
Count to 10,000
4y ago
PlayerJoined 7y ago
Pokéngine Progress
Jext ★
4y ago
Developing AntichristJoined 17y ago
Added arrows to the textbox font.
Evolution Method Refactoring
4y ago
Moderating EditorJoined 13y ago
Hello! I was discussing in the Discord a way to refactor the Pokemon evolution selector to make it less of an imposing list. The ideal solution seems to be "a trigger onto which you can add conditions" so I did that to cover as many canon and fake Mons as possible. If I'm missing any or make edits I'll edit my post. Sorry for the ugly ++ but the forum ate my tabs.

Everything is laid out like:

Level Up
++Select "At Level", "At Level with Condition" or "Any level with Condition"

Use Item
++Select "Item Alone" or "Item with Condition"
++(Canon Conditions are Gender and Region, but any condition could work)

++Select "Any Trade" or "Trade with Condition"
++Canon Condition: Holding Item (Possibly could expand to: Holding Item, Knowing A Move of Type, Knowing A Unique Move, Gender, Form. Not the full list)
++Condition: Pokemon traded with [Unique to trades]
++++(Select Pokemon)

++Spin Variable: Length
++++(Select from Options)
++Spin Variable: Direction
++[Add Other Conditions]

End of Battle
++Requires Condition [in canon this is the actual trigger for Sirfetch'd, just requiring the condition of the three crits]

Location Trigger
++(Select Location)
++(Other Factors)
[Entirely for Runerigus but the idea of evolving based on a map location is kind of fun]

Mega Evolution
++(Select Mega Stone)
[A generic Mega Stone would help this feature out without having to program in a bunch of unique stones]

Condition List:
++Condition: At Level
++++(Input level)
++Condition: Evolution Item
++++(Select Item)
++Condition: Holding Item
++++(Select Item)
++Condition: Time of Day
++++(Select Time of Day)
++Condition: Knowing a Move Of Type
++++(Select Type)
++Condition: Knowing a Specific Move
++++(Select Move)
++Condition: Certain location
++++(Forest/Ice/Magnetic, can probably write a few more of these for expansion like Volcano)
++Condition: Certain region
++++(Select region, would have to put in various Nintendo ones I guess)
++Condition: Gender
++++(Select M/F)
++Condition: Game
++++(Sun/Moon only appropriate options, unless we factor this out entirely and just make it time of day like normal people)
++Condition: Specific Pokemon in Party
++++(Select Pokemon)
++Condition: Pokemon of Type in Party
++++(Select Type)
++Condition: Stats
++++(Select Stat 1)
++++(Select Stat 2)
++++(Select >, <, =)
++Condition: Form
++++(Select from Forms)
++++[Given that evolution is set by form this may not be necessary]
++Condition: Overworld Weather
++++(Select Weather condition)
++Condition: Season
++++(Select from 4)
++Condition: Happiness
++++(Input Happiness value, usually 220)
++Condition: Contest Stat Max
++++(Select from 5)
++Condition: Current Status
++++(Select from Status list)

Unique Conditions:
++Condition: Empty Party Slot when evolving a Pokemon
++++(Select Pokemon)
++Condition: Hit Self in Confusion in battle
++Condition: Landed 3 Critical Hits
++Condition: Rotate Game Window
++Condition: Five fainted party members
++Condition: At least one party member with status
++Condition: Damage taken in previous battle without fainting
++++(Input HP Value)

Possible expansions of conditions:
++Condition: EVs
++++(Select Stat) (Select EV value)
Edited 4y ago by mattgcn.
Count to 10,000
4y ago
Playing ZombieJoined 7y ago
Corrupted Wish
4y ago
Playing ZombieJoined 7y ago
Granted, but now every food tastes awful.
I wish uhh a good computerEdited 4y ago by Emilia.