Rica (03xzm9cl)
Custom MonsPartially
Global PCAfter gym 2
StatusIn Progress
Rica is a small tropical island with a variety of environments and high biodiversity. Much of Rica is covered in a dense rainforest, but there are also mountain ranges, a prairie, and highly populated sandy beaches. Some Pokemon in Rica can also be found in other regions, but they're the minority.

Professor Piper has been looking for skilled trainers to help her study the secrets of the rainforest. The wild Pokemon in Rica are growing more dangerous every day, and she wants to know what could be causing their aggression. To enter the jungles, you need to prove your strength by earning gym badges. There are four gyms in total.

Trainers in Rica love to double battle. Be prepared to face nearly every trainer in double battle format, including the gyms!
This Region has been assigned to this Collection: Rica.