Shiny Leaderboard
This leaderboard shows the scores of all the users who have caught a Shiny before. Catching a wild Shiny (1 in 1,000 chance) earns you 1 point; getting Shinies as a reward in-game does not contribute towards your score.
#141: FlameRunner32 has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 2 Shinies.
#142: Veggetto5 has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 3 Shinies.
#143: Roberto_Salazar has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 2 Shinies.
#144: chuso has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 3 Shinies.
#145: W_wtobiw_W has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 3 Shinies.
#146: dukys91 has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 2 Shinies.
#147: rocketleaf67 has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 3 Shinies.
#148: Gergoos has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 3 Shinies.
#149: Pisani has a shiny score of 3 and currently owns 3 Shinies.
#150: koraki ★ has a shiny score of 2 and currently owns 2 Shinies.